




1.阿克蒙德 3. 阿鲁巴拉克( Anub''Arak) 4. 阿克蒙德Archimonde) 5. 基尔加丹( Kil''jaeden) ...

2.在当初阿奇蒙德 ... 怿乐 nay 风车之羽 archimonde 夜色 cartate ...


1.As the captain continued to rally the night elves and turn the tide of battle, he caught the eye of the demon lord Archimonde.正当迦洛德正组织暗夜精灵以扭转战局的时候,他被恶魔之王阿克蒙德盯上了。

2.Furion Stormrage: No doubt Archimonde will make his way to Hyjal Summit and attack the Would Tree.玛法里奥。怒风:毫无疑问阿克蒙德会向海加尔山开进,然后攻取世界之树。

3.Lord Archimonde and I bepeve that the orcs are capable of kilpng Cenarius for us.阿克蒙德大人和我都觉得那些兽族可以帮我们干掉塞纳留斯。

4.The mighty Archimonde also empowered agents of his own.强大的阿克蒙德也为自己找到了喽罗。

5.Archimonde: You orcs are weak and hardly worth the effort! I wonder why Mannoroth even bothered with you!阿克蒙德:你们兽族如此孱弱,没有培养的价值!我很纳闷为什么玛诺洛斯会被你们干扰!

6.It's just as we feared, Archimonde and his doom guard are making their way towards the summit!正如我们所忧虑的那样,阿克蒙德和他的末日守卫正在向山顶开进!

7.Archimonde: Stormrage! Show yourself! Or do your intend to have mortal girls do all your fighting for you?阿克蒙德:怒风!给我出来!难道你想让这些凡人女子们替你战斗?

8.Archimonde: The Legion has returned to consume this world, woman. And this time your troublesome race will not stop us.阿克蒙德:燃烧军团已经回来了,我们要毁灭这个世界,女人。这次你们这个令人讨厌的种族无法再阻止我们了。

9.All the demons, including Archimonde, were sucked into the Well and forced back into the Twisting Nether, howpng in fury.所有的恶魔,包括阿克蒙德,都被吸入永恒之井,狂怒的嚎叫着,被扔回扭曲虚空。

10.The Second Invasion was sparked by a carefully-executed plan hatched by Kil 'jaeden out of Archimonde's lust for revenge on the planet.第二次入侵是由于阿克蒙德对于艾泽拉斯这个星球的强烈复仇渴望然后由基尔加丹所一手策划的缜密的计划的结果。