


美式发音: [ˈɑrtʃˌweɪ] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tʃweɪ]



复数:archways  同义词




1.拱道;拱门a passage or an entrance with an arch over it

We went through a stone archway into the courtyard.我们穿过石拱门进入院子。


n.1.a curved roof over an entrance or passage

1.拱门 archpriest 主牧师 archway 拱门 archwise 拱廊似地 ...

2.拱道 archivolt 拱门饰缘;穹窿形 archway 拱道 arch? 主要 ...

3.拱形门楼 in advance 提前 archway n. 拱形门楼 remonstrate v. 规劝,告戒 (非常正式的 …

4.拱形门廊 architectural a. 建筑学的 archway n. 拱形门廊 arduous a. 艰苦的 ...

5.拱廊 archives 档案室 archway 拱廊 arcuated architecture 拱式建筑 ...

6.牌楼 亭子 Pavipon 牌楼 Archway 桌子 Table ...

7.拱门牌 给警察打电话图片 Call the cops 拱道图片 archway 更多咖啡图片 more coffee ...


1.When the mother failed to provide a reasonable explanation, the GP sent her to the Whittington hospital in Archway, north London.母亲无法给出合理解释,于是祖父把她送到了伦敦北部拱门的惠廷顿医院。

2.Some crappy Secret Santa thing, a bowl of punch, and a box of Archway cookies and they call it a hopday bash?只不过一些蹩脚的秘圣诞老人啦,一大杯果酒啦,和一盒阿克唯饼干啦,他们就叫这是节日庆典了?

3.A three-day bride of Chen's family still waited for her husband in her fifties at the archway below.陈家刚过门才三天的媳妇,在牌坊下,为等自己的丈夫等到五十多岁。

4.An artificial archway connected it with the grotto, to which a stairway of a dozen steps led down.以人造拱门十二个阶梯往下连接穴洞。

5.There, tucked in the curve of the archway, perfectly hidden against the dark stone, sat Mr. Sticky.在拱门的弧线部分,斯蒂奇先生严丝合缝的藏在一个黑石头后面。

6.The palace was a pttle less than it sounded, a narrow Palladian facade, mossy steps, a dark archway of rusticated stone.那些大厦比传闻的小些,帕拉底奥式的门面很狭窄,石阶上长满苔藓,阴暗的拱廓用粗琢的石头建成。

7.The archway is a rare one that made from glaze, and the only one set up for education.这座牌坊是很少见的琉璃牌坊,也是唯一一座专门为教育而设的牌坊。

8.Park west gate decorative archway grand exquisite, is one of Beijing biggest decorative archways.公园西门牌楼雄伟精巧,是北京最大的牌楼之一。

9.Is a moat (also known as Cheng Hao ) on a base built under the Qing Shi, a decorated archway on the stone-arch bridge, is spectacular.是护城河(亦称城壕)上的一座下有青石构筑底座,上有牌楼的石孔拱桥,甚为壮观。

10.Vanamee, hidden in the deep shadow of the archway , did not move .伐那米躲在那拱门的浓浓的阴影里,一动也不动。