




1.阿海珐价今年跌幅近45%。阿海珐为日本福岛第一核电站提供核燃料...设施被法国核能巨头阿海珐Areva)公司用来处理核废料, …

2.阿海珐集团法国核政策委员会认为,法国电力集团公司(EDF)和阿海珐核能集团Areva)应在上述框架内发展与中国广东核电集团有 …


1.The Germans have long feared that the French government planned to squeeze them out of Areva, and may have decided to pre-empt such a move.长久以来,德国一直害怕法国政府会计划将他们排挤出阿海珐。于是他们便可能决定抢先一步。

2.It has ordered new reactors from two of the world's nuclear giants, Areva and Westinghouse, and is also building some of its own design.它已经从世界上核巨人Areva和Westinghouse那里订购了新的反应堆,并且建立一些它自己设计的反应堆。

3.But to the repef, no doubt, of companies pke Westinghouse and Areva China's commitment to nuclear expansion has appeared unwavering.但毫无疑问,对美国西屋(Westinghouse)和法国阿海珐(Areva)这样的企业来说,中国对核电扩建的坚定承诺让人宽慰。

4.Areva came under pressure to put older, cheaper designs back in its catalogue.要将更为旧式和便宜的设计重新列入商品目录中,阿海珐承受着巨大压力。

5.Because nuclear power was unpopular for decades, Areva stopped training engineers, so that much of its expertise pes with its oldest staff.因为核动力在这十年并不流行,Areve停止了工程师培训,所以大多数技术活都依仗老员工。

6.Even after Fukushima, indeed, Areva still urgently needs to bring down the cost of its EPR, argues a Paris-based adviser to the industry.一位来自巴黎的核工业顾问认为,即使是在福岛事件之后,阿海珐还是迫切需要降低其EPR反应堆的成本。

7.For the time being Siemens and Areva will still be bound together in one way at least.目前,西门子和阿海珐将至少会以一种形式结合在一起。

8.With a new, possibly less combative chief executive, some fear that Areva's independence may be compromised.随着可能是缺乏进取心的新任总裁的到来,有人担忧阿海珐集团的独立地位可能会被出卖。

9.In 2009 Siemens, a German engineering firm, unexpectedly pulled out of a joint venture with Areva.2009年德国西门子能源公司出乎意料地退出一项与阿海珐集团的联合投资。

10."A merger with Alstom would not bring adequate financial resources, " says an Areva executive.“同阿尔斯通合并不会为我们带来充足的资金来源,”阿海珐的一名管理人员说。