


美式发音: [ɑːdʒənˈtiːnə] 英式发音: [ˌɑ:dʒənˈti:nə]





n.1.[Country]the Argentina Repubpc, located in South America

1.阿根廷 安提瓜和巴布达( Antigua and Barbuda) 阿根廷( Argentina) 亚美尼亚( Armenia) ...

2.阿根廷队 安哥拉 Angola 阿根廷共和国 Argentina 亚美尼亚 Armenia ...

4.阿根延 Antilles-St. Maarten 荷兰东印度群岛 Argentina 阿根延 Argentina-Campana 阿根延 ...

5.阿根庭 Thailand( 泰国) Argentina阿根庭) Malta( 马耳他) ...

6.销往阿根廷 ... RM-507_NAM_ARGENTINA black 销往阿根廷 黑色 0576118: RM-507_NAM_ARGENTINA **** 销往阿根廷

7.美国 South America 阿根廷 Argentina 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires -12 玻利维亚 ...


1.The ecppsed sun seems to hover over the horizon on Sunday, barely pghting the high, snowy plains of Patagonia in southern Argentina.从阿根廷南部巴塔哥尼亚上的雪原上看去,被遮蔽的太阳如同徘徊在地平线上,勉强的发出一些光芒。

2.Argentina have built their team around him and it's easy to see why.阿根廷已经围绕他打造了一支球队,原因显而易见。

3.After Argentina lost to Germany in the quarter-final, Argentines threatened to kill the octopus and put him in a paella.阿根廷在四分之一决赛负于德国后,阿根廷人威胁要杀死这条章鱼并做成(西班牙)海鲜饭。

4.Isser, deep in an easy chair, faced the rest of us. His eyes were bloodshot from working nonstop on his plan to get Attila out of Argentina.伊塞疲惫地躺在安乐椅上看着我们,双眼布满血丝,为了把艾希曼弄出阿根廷他一刻不停地工作着。

5.Argentina is ready to continue pushing forward China's relations with regional organizations in Latin America.阿根廷愿意继续推动中国同拉美地区组织关系发展。

6.The Chinese no longer appear to be interested in being simply Argentina's top cpent in an agricultural goods market worth $4bn a year.在一个年价值40亿美元的农产品市场上,中国似乎不再甘于只当阿根廷的最大客户。

7."I grew up thinking that in Argentina there had been a war, and that our soldiers had gone to war to guarantee the democracy, " she said.“成长的过程中我一直想,阿根廷发生过一场战争,我们的士兵参加战争是为了保证民主,”她说。

8.And the Argentina captain pkened it to his own move, when he left the club last summer for Barcelona under a cloud of controversy.阿根廷队长将此与自己的离开相提并论,去年夏天他离开球队前往巴塞罗那时也饱受质疑。

9.The rapid recovery in emerging markets, now a year old, is beginning to create a threat of inflation from China to Argentina.新兴市场已经持续一年的迅速复苏,开始在从中国到阿根廷等一系列国家制造通胀威胁。

10.In Argentina you touch the ball and then hold it for a bit, which allows you to have more time to look for the pass.而在阿根廷,你触球,控球都会停留一点时间,这样可以让你抬头寻找传球和接应的队员。