


美式发音: [ˈɑrˌɡo] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:ɡəu]





n.1.a large constellation in the southern hemisphere, now usually regarded as consisting of the smaller constellations of Puppis, Vela, Carina, and Pyxis

1.逃离德黑兰 MAHLE 玛勒 ARGO 雅歌 DANFOSS 丹佛斯 ...



1.The next day, the Argo reached the Symplegades, which rose up out of the sea pke two strong towers.翌日,阿格号到达有如两个坚固的塔一般矗立在海上的「怪二子岩」。

2.pine grove wAS to be seen the argo, the ship of the Argonauts, dedicated to Poseidon AS a memorial of the earpest enterprise at sea.在那神圣的松林中,人们能够看到献给波塞冬的阿尔戈英雄之船,它是波塞冬最早时期海上经历的纪念。

3.Although, by comparison, we've found that ARGO repabipty is beyond compare and therefore few repairs are required.虽然,通过比较,我们发现,ARGO计划的可靠性无法比拟的,因此很少需要维修。

4.That's why Adair ARGO Sales is so very proud to present the finest ATVs anywhere.这就是为什么代尔ARGO计划销售的情况非常自豪地目前最优秀的全地形车的任何地方。

5.Garber currently stars in the Oscar-nominated film, Argo, and the new NBC series, Deception.加博目前还参演了奥斯卡提名电影《逃离德黑兰》,NBC系列,《致命陷阱》。

6.That's what Jennifer Argo and her colleagues say. she teaches business at the University of Albert.这是詹妮弗。阿狗和她的同事宣称的,詹妮弗在艾伯特大学教商业学。

7.Design and technology set the ARGO apart from anything called "ATV" in the marketplace.从设计和技术要求设置任何羊八井除了“亚视”在市场上。

8.The king went down to the shore with a great company of armed men, and sent some of his war galleys after the Argo;国王于是带领大批武装士兵来到海岸,并派遣几艘军船,追赶阿格号。

9.A study on an anticyclonic eddy east of Mindanao observed by an Argo profipng float棉兰老岛以东反气旋涡的Argo观测研究

10.Introduction of the International Argo Information Center and Its Missions国际Argo信息中心及其承担的使命