


美式发音: [ˌhɪpə'kæmpəs] 英式发音: 






1.海马(大脑中被认为是感情和记忆中心的部分)either of the two areas of the brain thought to be the centre of emotion and memory


n.1.a mythological sea creature with the head and forelegs of a horse and the tail of a fisstrong.a curved ridge of tissue in each cerebral hemisphere of the brain, concerned with basic drives, emotions, and short-term memory and forming part of the pmbic system

1.海马回 霍克拉普( Horklump) 马头鱼尾海怪Hippocampus) 格林迪洛( Grindylow) ...

6.马头鱼尾怪 Gryphon( 狮鹫兽) Hippocampus马头鱼尾怪) Hydra( 许德拉) ...

7.大脑海马大脑海马(Hippocampus)是位於脑颞叶内的一个部位的名称,人有两个海马,分别位於左右脑半球。它是组成大脑边缘系统的一 …


1.Without a hippocampus, we would be unable to form new memories; we'd only be able to remember the old ones.没有海马体,我们就无法记住新的事情;我们只能记住以前的事情。

2.But don't bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they're there to stay.但是不要打扰尝试消灭旧的习惯,一旦这些习惯形成就像是老鼠穿过,他们就真实的存在于那。

3.The hippocampus is one of the first brain areas to be affected by Alzheimer's disease, causing problems with memory and spatial orientation.海马体是大脑中第一个受到阿尔茨海默氏症影响的区域,因此会导致记忆和空间定位的困难。

4.But the researchers also found a greater volume of grey matter in the hippocampus of older adults who used spatial strategies.研究人员还发现,使用空间策略的老年人其海马体灰质的体积更大。

5.After a stroke, neurogenesis commences in the hippocampus in an apparent attempt to produce new neurons to heal such damaged brain tissue.中风之后,海马会出现神经新生,显然是想产生新的神经元来修复受损的脑组织。更详细。

6.And, yes, the study's long-in-love marrieds said they had plenty of sex, or at least enough to set off a glow in the posterior hippocampus.的确是这样,研究中那些长期充满爱的夫妻的性活动很多,至少足够让他们容光焕发。

7.When you blank, the hippocampus hasn't found a way to consopdate the name and lock it down yet.当你大脑一片空白时,你的海马体还没找到一种方式来巩固这个名字并把它牢牢锁定在记忆里。

8.With subtle hippocampal atrophy, quantitative three-dimensional volume measurements of each hippocampus can be useful.当海马轻微萎缩时,双侧海马定量的三维容积测量是有用的。

9.They were especially interested in a part of the brain, the hippocampus, which is known to be influential in mood.由于普遍认为海马体司控情绪,所以研究者著重研究了大脑的这一特定部分。

10.Furthermore, we found the abnormapties of fiber integrity in bilateral hippocampus and lose of the relativity among the parameters.同时我们还进一步的发现双侧海马的白质完整性的异常,以及双侧海马的参数之间相关性的消失。