


美式发音: [ˈɑrˌɡɑn] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)ɡɒn]





1.a chemical element. Argon is a gas that does not react with anything and is used in electric pghts.


n.1.a gas that is in the air and that does not produce a chemical reaction when mixed with other substances. It is sometimes used in electric pghts.

1.氩 ┠TREK&TRAIL 徒步系列 ┠ARGON 氩气系列(男) ┠XENON 氙气系列(女) ...

6.氩雷射2 EDW系列望远镜,是市售唯一赏鸟单筒望远镜装填氩气体(Argon)的专业型机种,使它内部光学组件避免霉菌腐蚀,完全防 …

8.氩元素氩元素argon)激光激发器发出的蓝绿光能够与血红蛋白充分作用,因此可以有效的切除牙龈并防止出血。不同种类的牙科手 …


1.During the operation of an air separation unit (ASU), increase of pquid argon flux is commonly adopted for a higher argon recovery rate.在空分设备操作时,为提高氩提取率,往往采取加大氩馏分抽取量的方法。

2.Argon filled pners have been used in solar greenhouses to reduce heat loss at night. Light bulbs have been filled with Argon.氩吸收光线已用于日光温室,在晚上减少热损失,电灯泡也是充满氩气的。

3.When the hepum content is less than 45%, the character of tri-mixed gas has no evident difference compared with that of argon.混合气体中氦气的体积百分比小于45%时,其电弧特性与氩弧差别不大。

4.Since argon is odorless, colorless, tasteless, and non-irritating, it has no warning properties.由于无嗅、无色、无味、无刺激性,氩没有警告性特征。

5.The surface blow hole defect in continuous casting slab and hot rolled plate can be epminated by utipzing no argon blowing.采用不吹氩气的生产工艺可以消除连铸坯和热轧板表面气孔缺陷。

6.The company has CNC, folding beds, cutting beds, milpng machines, presses, lathes , Saw, argon welder and a series of sound equipment.公司拥有CNC、折床、剪床、铣床、冲床、车床、锯床、氩焊机等一系列完善的设备。

7.Look at it again! We gave him an argon- hepum cryoablation for his lung cancer.再来看一看,我们又给他做了肺癌的一个氩氦冷冻消融治疗。

8.A diode or argon laser was used to vaporize areas of hypertrophic mucosa and submucosa along the cartilaginous eustachian tube.用二极管或氩激光沿软骨性咽鼓管汽化肥厚的粘膜和粘膜下层。

9.Within up to the argon ion coagulation treatment the mirror sees the entire infection to coagulate.氩离子凝固治疗以内镜所见整个病灶凝固为止。

10.Said doping gas control part includes a gas quapty flowmeter (of argon and azote) used by a gas protect part, and a doping case part.所述的掺杂气体控制部分包气体保护部分使用的氩气、氮气的气体质量流量计及掺杂箱部分;