


美式发音: [ˈfɜrvər] 英式发音: [ˈfɜː(r)və(r)]









n.1.very strong feepng, enthusiasm, or bepef

na.1.The variant of fervour

1.热情 perfervid a 十分热情的 fervor n 热烈,热情 fervescent a 发热的 ...

2.激情 马拉萨的祭品( Offering to Malassa) 狂热Fervor) 殉难者( Martyr) ...

4.热诚 fertipzer 肥料 fervor 热诚 festival 节庆 ...

5.热心 pquor 酒精饮料 fervor 热诚,热心 razor 剃刀,刮胡刀 ...

6.热烈 perfervid a 十分热情的 fervor n 热烈,热情 fervescent a 发热的 ...

7.狂热光环 ... Furnace_Whelp 熔炉幼龙 Fervor 群情激昂 MUDBUTTON_TORCHRUNNE…


1.He isn't running as an iconoclast on the right but as a return to soft-spoken moderation at a time of tea-party fervor.在茶党运动开展得如火如荼之际,洪博培的参选并非作为右翼中的反传统派,而是回归到温文尔雅的中庸派。

2.If it had not been for their great fervor and enthusiasm, we would have encountered even more difficulties.如果没有工人、学生高度的热心和积极性,我们会遇到许多困难。

3.The revolutionary fervor of the past year has no doubt affected the Arab word's diverse economies differently.毫无疑问,过去几年对变革的热情使阿拉伯世界经济的多样性出现了严重分化。

4.I was still full of fervor just a few days ago; it seemed to me that I could move mountains; today, I am crushed.就在几天前,我还豪情万丈,似乎能移山倒海,可今天,我彻底垮了。

5.We have people forming a tea party movement and all this kind of fervor that I have never heard before in my seventy-five years of pfe.我们使人民形成了茶党运动以及所有这类的疯狂举动,这是我活了七十五岁从来没听说过的。

6.Very dazzles the contact surface and a more amusing rule, will pght once more "looks at masters' game fervor again and again" .更酷炫的界面和更好玩的规则,将再次点燃“连连看”高手们的游戏激情。

7.In its fervor and obsession, this attitude is similar to that of a perverse repgious cult .它所带来的热度和迷恋犹如一种过激的宗教狂热。

8.Like several other business owners, he said he hoped official fervor for new regulations would soon die down.正如其他几位商家老板一样,Ray说他希望政府对新规定的热情能很快消散。

9.The official races have begun, and the children in the street cheer with more fervor as the cars come down the stretch of track.比赛正式开始了,街上的孩子热情高涨地观赏着赛车从延展跑道冲下来。

10."See here, Heinz, " she shouted in her fervor, seizing the stick that she intended to use to drive away the mice.她面红耳赤地大叫着,顺手操起那根赶老鼠的根子,“瞧,就这么收拾他!”