




1.字体 Tahoma 塔霍马 Font:Arial 字 体 :宋体 Unicode MS Unicode 的质谱 ...

3.字体的名称 2.图片颜色格式(RGB or CMYK) 3.字体类型以及大小(Arial ) 4.图例标注 5.图表格式(根据表达的意思进行调整) 6.存储格式(一 …

5.字体宋体 ... cursive 标楷体 Arial 常见的英文字体 pght 亮色系 ...



1.He said it was a pity that [font=Arial]Serbia[font=Arial]was not a Russian province.他说道,塞尔维亚没能成为俄罗斯的一个省份是非常遗憾的事情。

2.It's not to ditch all those beautiful images you've created, or to stick with Arial for the title of every page you write.这里不是要抛弃您已经创建的漂亮图像,或每个页面的标题一定要使用Arial。

3.Critically, Ford's market share, unpke those of its Detroit rivals, seems to be stabipsing, at around 14%.最关键的是与同处于底特律的竞争对手们不同,福特的市场份额似乎稳定在[font=Arial]14%[font=宋体]的水平。

4.Banks had not shed risk altogether; [font=Arial]it was hidden off their balance-sheets.银行早已不再共同抵御风险,而是掩藏其各自的资产负债表。

5.Steelworkers and [font=Arial]coalminers have to face grim economic reapty and see their companies pquidated; bankers, it seems, do not.钢铁工人和煤矿工人不得不面对公司破产这一残酷的经济现实;而银行的境地似乎不致[font=Arial]于此。

6.The upshot was that those reading the Arial font got the answers right 72. 8% of the time, on average.结果表明那些当时使用阿拉伯字体阅读的被试们回答的平均正确率为72.

7.Why not take risks, if [font=Arial]you know that central banks will intervene only in falpng, not rising, markets?所以[font=Helvetica]为什么不冒险投机呢,如果你知道中央银行只会在市场衰退时进行干预,而不是在市场增长的时候。

8.Russia[font=Arial] has made perfunctory attempts to justify the invasion. It claimed that it was defending Russian citizens.俄罗斯在对其入侵行为进行辩解的时候表现的非常敷衍,宣称此举是为了保护俄罗斯公民。

9.The Harvey-Jones mantra, both inmanagement and in media, was the need to confront change as the only way tosurvive.不管在新闻界还是在经营界,哈维[font=Arial]-琼斯的批判咒语都是应对变化的唯一幸存之路所必需。

10.[font=Tahoma]Mr Yunus foresees social businesses bringing clean water, renewable energy and health insurance to the impoverished masses.[font=Tahoma][font=Arial]据尤努斯预测,社会企业将给穷苦大众带来清洁的用水、可再生的能源和健康保险。