


美式发音: ['ɑrlz] 英式发音: ['ɑ:lz]





un.1.city in the Bouches-du-Rhône Department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur region in France, situated northwest of Marseilles. It was a major Roman city and, after the 10th century, was the capital of a kingdom of the same name.

1.阿尔勒阿尔勒考古博物馆位于法国南部城市阿尔勒Arles)西南城边。阿尔勒地区原属古罗马帝国领地,保有众多古罗马遗迹,其中 …

2.小城阿尔小城阿尔Arles)之外,便是大片大片梵高眼中炙热的向日葵,每年的六月末,是向日葵在夏日阳光中开始绽放的季节,`燃烧 …

3.亚尔而亚尔 (Arles) ,更是拥有普罗旺斯最傲人的阳光、艺术家及古罗马遗迹这三样得天独厚的条件。来到亚尔,除了参拜古罗马遗 …

4.亚尔勒从亚尔勒(Arles)火车站走往旧城区,就在进入城内的外环大道上,热闹的传统市集、人声鼎沸,拖著行李的我们,简直难以克 …

5.阿尔市1991年——阿尔市Arles)小城开始流行一种贴有DTA标签的去皱霜小瓶,每一瓶都是由Mariane女士及家人在自家后院手工 …

6.阿尔勒市在阿尔勒市ARLES)学校走廊挂衣钩上被T恤衫领口吊伤的11岁小学生,26日出现脑死亡。这是从塔拉斯贡(TARASCON) …



1.When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh bepeved that they would inspire each other's work. It was a tragic delusion.在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗•高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。

2.All that is needed is the loan to Mistral's museum of a Van Gogh painting, created while he was in Arles.所需不过是向阿尔博物馆出借一幅梵高在阿尔时期的绘画。

3.Arles in the South of France was not just a destination but an idea.对于梵高来说,南法的亚尔不只是目的地,也是个理念。

4.Starting this year, every year the event will feature the works of Chinese photographers and artists in Arles exhibited works.从今年起,该活动每年将展出中国摄影家的作品,以及在阿尔勒展出过的艺术家作品。

5.Days later, Van Gogh intent on finding a suitable place to estabpsh his community abruptly the capital for Arles in Province.几天之后,决心找个合适成立创作社团的梵高突然离开巴黎,前往普罗旺斯的亚尔。

6.After two years in Paris, pving with Theo (only nine letters; no images), Vincent moved to Arles in 1888.在巴黎与西奥一起生活两年后(只有9封信,没有画),梵高于1888年迁往阿尔勒。

7.In Arles, Van Gogh found the perfect premises for this studio of the south.梵高在亚尔找到设立南方画室的理想地点。

8.His conversion to colour and landscape was not complete, however, until he went south to Arles in 1888.梵高在色调以及绘画对象上的转变直到1888年他前往南方的阿尔勒之后才变得彻底。

9.We visited Nimes and Arles, i. e. two ancient cities.我们访问了尼姆和阿尔勒,是两个古城。

10.There are extensive Roman remains of ancient buildings at Arles.在阿尔勒有大量的罗马古建筑遗址。