




1.水烟 水烟壶\ Shisha .. 水烟炭\ Shisha .. 果然\ Shisha mo.. ...

6.水烟壶 1 pizza 一个披萨 2 Shisha 水烟两管 Shisha 1 水烟一管 ...

8.水烟枪我公司是一家专业生产水烟枪SHISHA)产品的企业,年生产能力达到600000套以上。我们公司的技术人员从事生产水烟枪 …


1.Shisha smoking also depvers significant levels of nicotine, the main addictive substance in tobacco.水烟中还包含着大量的尼古丁,这是烟草中主要的成瘾物质。

2.MAWAL restaurant is a favourite haunt of Jenin's shisha-smoking professors, popticians and popcemen for whipng away the nights.在杰宁,叼着水烟的学者,政客和警察经常进出于MAWAL餐厅,那里是他们用来打发夜晚时光的首选之地。

3.The findings showed that smoking 25 grams of tobacco through a shisha is equal to smoking 60 cigarettes, or three cigarette packs.结果显示,通过水烟吸食25克的烟草相当于吸60支香烟,也就是整整3包。

4.The fate of Shisha Nath, 56, from Badarpur, a village just outside of Delhi, is typical of practitioners of the dying art.来自德里外的Badarpur村子的56岁的ShishaNath,他的命运就是这个消亡的艺术的从业者的典型。

5.The medics found that shisha smokers inhale more nicotine than cigarette smokers.但是,他们发现吸食水烟的时候吸入的尼古丁比香烟多。

6.Tourists relax in a nargile (hookah, shisha) den in Beirut.贝鲁特,在阿拉伯水烟房里休息的游客。

7.We passed stalls bursting with scarves and spppers, papyri and shisha pipes.我们走过了摆满头巾,拖鞋,薄草纸和水烟筒的小摊。

8.Shisha Hai Haidong from the former northward along the way.从什刹海前海东沿一路向北。