


美式发音: [ˈɑrmərd] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)mə(r)d]









adj.1.an armored vehicle, such as a tank or a car for an important person, is covered with layers of hard metal to protect it from attack

na.1.The variant of armoured

1.装甲车 良医妙药 Extraordinary Measures 装甲车 Armored 男孩们回来了 The Boys Are …

2.装甲的 Jealousy kills the friendship 嫉妒毁灭了友谊 armored 装甲的 wreck 毁坏 毁掉 沉船 ...

3.激战运钞车 万有引力 The Law Of Attraction 激战运钞车 Armored 战国 The Warring State ...

4.运钞车大盗 armored train 装甲列车 armored 披甲的 armorer 兵器制造者 ...

6.铠装的 armaturewinding 电枢线圈 armored 铠装的,装甲的 arrangedhorizontally 水 …


1.He craned his neck to ponder it for a moment, and then got back into his armored Mercedes to go take a tour of the local mall.他伸长脖子思索了片刻,然后钻进了他的装甲奔驰去参观当地商场。

2.Typically, defense contractors crank out just a few hundred armored vehicles a year.通常,国防承包商一年才造几百辆装甲车。

3.Newspaper reported that the heavy armored trucks integrated large and imposing looks as if the movie "Mad Max" in the arms warriors.本报综合报道这些重型装甲卡车看起来庞大而威风,仿佛是电影《疯狂的麦克斯》中勇士们的武器。

4."The air strikes as what happened today did not differentiate between civipans and armored personnel, " Kaim said.像今天这样的空袭并没有区分平民和武装人员。

5.The artillery rounds had not changed significantly since that test, but there had been major changes to armored vehicles.自那次试验之后,炮弹并没有明显地改变,但是装甲车辆的却发生了重大变化。

6.Norinco is beginning to produce a new 105mm gun-launched missile for use against armored targets, including tanks using reactive armor.中国北方工业公司正在开始生产一种新型的105毫米口径的炮射导弹,用于对付装甲目标,其中包括使用复合装甲的战车。

7.Bazalt representatives said the Hashim can destroy any armored vehicle at up to 700 meters (yards).巴扎特公司的代表称,哈西姆榴弹发射器可以摧毁700米范围内的任何装甲车。

8.For the German forces, it was the hallmark of German armored might and restored morale even in the last days of the war.对于德军,即使在战争的最后几天,看到虎王坦克上的标志也能振奋士气。

9.As he drove the armored car around the arena in preparation for the assault on the President, Buck McCoy was having second thoughts.当他驾着装甲车在活动场所周围准备对总统发起攻击时,巴克。麦科伊正想他的心事。

10.Convoys of armored vehicles and sandbagged sentry posts have turned the region into something of an armed camp.装甲车的车队和沙袋哨所已经把该地区变成一个武装营地。