


美式发音: [ˈɑrmərd] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)mə(r)d]








1.有装甲的protected by metal covers

The cruiser was heavily armoured.这艘巡洋舰有坚固的装甲。

an armoured car装甲车

2.使用装甲交通工具的using armoured vehicles

an armoured division装甲师



na.1.The variant of armored

1.装甲的 ) vain a. 爱虚荣的 ) armoured a. 披甲的, 装甲的 ) rifle n . 来复枪, 步枪 ...

2.披甲的 armoured concrete 钢筋混凝土 armoured 披甲的 armourer 军械士 ...

3.铠装的 armoured wood 包铁木材 armoured 铠装的 armourplate glass 钢化玻璃 …

4.铠装电缆 非铠装电缆 Unarmored 铠装电缆 Armoured 单芯 singe—core ...

5.防御能力 greek_elephant_african 战象 greek_elephant_armoured 披甲战象 greek_elephant_small …

7.装甲运兵车 ... (装甲指挥车 Armored Command Post (装甲运兵车 Armoured (步兵战车 Infantry fighting ...


1.Mr Budanov ordered his soldiers to wrap her in a blanket, put her in his armoured personal carrier and take her to his quarters.布达诺夫命令他的手下将她用毯子包起来,装进他的私人装甲车中,然后带回他的处所。

2.The last explosion threw him from an armoured vehicle and wounded his leg, putting him in a miptary hospital for two weeks.最近一次爆炸把他从装甲车上掀了下来,伤到了腿,在军队医院躺了两周。

3.Alongside the armoured carriers were overturned jeeps, and pools of blood, which had been turned into impromptu shrines.装甲运兵车旁边有多辆吉普车被掀翻在地,一摊摊血迹变成供人祭拜的临时神坛。

4.I was not able to induce the Admiralty to send the armoured brigade, or at least their vehicles, through the Mediterranean.我未能说服海军部取道地中海运送装甲旅或至少运送该旅的车辆。

5.But the popce carrying automatic rifles atop the armoured vehicles did not attempt to deploy on the streets.但武装运兵车上配备有自动步枪的警察并没有试图在街道上部署。

6.Armoured units stayed on the Gaza border, poised to go back in, the army said, if Hamas resumed its firing of rockets across the border.装甲部队仍滞留在加沙边境,其军队称如果哈马斯继续向其境内发射火箭,大军将随时压境。

7.The next day, Pyrrhus had a fully armoured elephant placed outside the tent behind Fabricius as they talked.第二天,皮拉斯和法布里丘斯在营帐商谈,却叫人把一只全身披挂的大象牵到帐外,立在法布里丘斯身后。

8.An Uzbek cameraman has footage of an armoured personnel-carrier going through a crowd of agitated Kyrgyz men as it approaches some Uzbeks.一个乌兹别克摄影师的一个镜头显示一辆装甲车穿过一群激动的吉尔吉斯人,好像它是去对付乌兹别克人的。

9.Both attack forces were to contain strong armoured reserves, which would be on hand to defeat any Russian counterattacks .这两支攻击部队都有强大的装甲预备队,随时准备对付苏军军的反击。

10.Given their short range, their firers need to be well armoured and able to look after themselves in close combat.由于手炮射程较短,因此士兵们必须装备精良盔甲,同时无法陷入激烈近身肉搏。