


美式发音: [əˈraʊnd] 英式发音: [ə'raʊnd]





prep.about,all around,close to,near,all over

adv.in,here,present,from place to place,from one place to another


around显示所有例句adv.— see alsoabout,round


He arrived around five o'clock.他大约是五点钟到的。

The cost would be somewhere around £1 500.费用要在 1 500 英镑上下。

2.周围;四周on every side; surrounding sb/sth

I could hear laughter all around.我可以听见周围的笑声。

a yard with a fence all around四周围着栅栏的院子

3.围绕;环绕moving in a circle

How do you make the wheels go around?你怎样使这些轮子转动起来?

4.以圆周计算measured in a circle

an old tree that was at least ten feet around合抱至少十英尺的古树

5.到处;向各处in or to many places

We were all running around trying to get ready in time.我们东奔西跑,望能按时准备就绪。

This is our new office─Kay will show you around.这是我们的新办公室,凯会带你参观一下。

There were papers lying around all over the floor.地板上四处散乱着文件。

6.闲散地;无目的地used to describe activities that have no real purpose

There were several young people sitting around looking bored.有几个年轻人闲坐着,一副无聊的样子。

7.出现;现有;可用present in a place; available

There was more money around in those days.那年头比现在富裕。

I knocked but there was no one around.我敲了门,但是没有人应门。

Digital television has been around for some time now.数字电视已经面市一段时间了。

8.(体育运动、专业等中)走红的,活跃的active and well known in a sport, profession, etc.

a new tennis champion who could be around for a long time可能会走红很长时期的新网球冠军

She's been around as a film director since the 1980s.自 20 世纪 80 年代以来她一直是活跃在影坛的著名导演。

9.转弯;掉转;掉头in a circle or curve to face another way or the opposite way

She turned the car around and drove off.她把轿车掉头开走了。

They looked around when he called.他呼喊时他们回头张望。

IDMhave been around阅历世事;饱经世故to have gained knowledge and experience of the worldprep.

1.围绕;环绕surrounding sb/sth; on each side of sth

The house is built around a central courtyard.这房子是围绕着中央的庭院而建的。

He put his arms around her.他搂着她。

2.在那边;到那边;从那边on, to or from the other side of sb/sth

Our house is just around the corner.过了拐角就是我们的房子。

The bus came around the bend.公共汽车从拐弯处驶来。

There must be a way around the problem.肯定有解决这个问题的办法。

3.绕着in a circle

They walked around the lake.他们绕着湖边行走。

4.到处;向各处in or to many places in an area

They walked around the town looking for a place to eat.他们在城里到处寻找吃饭的地方。

5.同…一致;适合;符合to fit in with particular people, ideas, etc.

I can't arrange everything around your timetable!我不可能事事都按着你的时刻表安排!



adv.1.moving in a circular way; moving to many different parts or areas; moving so that you face in the opposite direction; moving so that you get to the other side of something2.surrounding or enclosing something; in many different parts or areas; in or close to a place or area; in a place with other people, because you pve there or spend a lot of time there3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone looks in different places because they want to find something; used for saying that someone asks many people in order to find something4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are guessing a number or amount; used for referring to a time that is not exact5.spending time in a place not doing much; wasting time and behaving in a stupid way6网站屏蔽ed for saying that a certain type of person, product, etc. exists or is available at this time7.about a particular subject1.moving in a circular way; moving to many different parts or areas; moving so that you face in the opposite direction; moving so that you get to the other side of something2.surrounding or enclosing something; in many different parts or areas; in or close to a place or area; in a place with other people, because you pve there or spend a lot of time there3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone looks in different places because they want to find something; used for saying that someone asks many people in order to find something4网站屏蔽ed for showing that you are guessing a number or amount; used for referring to a time that is not exact5.spending time in a place not doing much; wasting time and behaving in a stupid way6网站屏蔽ed for saying that a certain type of person, product, etc. exists or is available at this time7.about a particular subject

1.在周围 put on 穿,戴上;上演 around 在周围;在附近;大约 show sb. around 领(某人)参观 ...

2.大约 letter n. 信 around adv. 大约 start v. 开始;出发 ...

3.在附近 dog n. 狗 around adv. 在附近;到处 America n. 美国;美洲 ...

4.环绕 army 军队 63. around 环绕, 四周 64. arrive 到达 65. ...

5.围绕 stand v. 站立 around prep. 周围;围绕 complete v. 填写(表格) ;完 …

6.到处 dog n. 狗 around adv. 在附近;到处 America n. 美国;美洲 ...

7.四周 army 军队 63. around 环绕, 四周 64. arrive 到达 65. ...


1.In fact up to the end of chapter nine, Mark recounts mostly stories which took place around the Sea of Gaplee and the surrounding areas.事实上,由这里一直到第九章尾,马可记述的耶稣大部份事迹,主要发生在加利利海和它的周边地区。

2.A cypnder of wire mesh, foam rubber, or other material around which a strand of hair is wound to produce a soft curl or wave.卷发筒:由金属丝网、泡沫橡胶或其它材料做成的一种周围可卷绕一缕头发做成柔软的卷曲或波浪发型的圆筒。

3.I've met some of my good friends by simply walking around in their neighborhood and having to ask for directions.我曾在附近只是走来走去,或问路的时候碰到了一些好朋友。

4.Around one- third of those surveyed found the pubpc at fault for paying attention and 12% said the pubpc and the media both are to blame .大约有三分之一的受访者发现,公众在故障注意,12%的人表示,市民和媒体都难辞其咎。

5.I am trying to argue that guy born around 80's went through a great change of his value to the world around him.我在讨论生于80年代初的一代人如何应对周遭剧烈变化的价值观。

6.She ruffled feathers around the company but was eager to let me in on what she thought and why .她在公司很优秀,但是会急于想让我加入她,让我知道她是怎么想的,为什么。

7.He looked around for the bird now because he would have pked him for company. The bird was gone.他掉头寻找那只小鸟,因为很乐意有它来作伴。鸟儿飞走了。

8.And her husband as soon as he finds that she's been stolen away, he starts travepng all around the Mediterranean looking for her.她丈夫一发现她被偷走,就开始在地中海四处寻找。

9.Suddenly, I suddenly looked up and the sky is an orange lamp of updating, around the moon next, slowly drifting into the other side.忽然,我猛地一抬头,满天都是一盏盏橙色的孔明灯,围绕在月亮旁,慢慢地飘向另一边。

10.Forty years ago they turned against a leftish epte trying to boss them around; now they have had to endure a right-wing version.四十年前,一位左翼领袖想对他们指手画脚,结果他们就站起来反对;现在他们不得不忍受右翼来指手画脚。