


美式发音: [kəˈmɪt] 英式发音: [kə'mɪt]



第三人称单数:commits  现在分词:committing  过去式:committed  搭配同义词

v.+n.commit suicide,commit crime,commit sin,commit fraud,commit offence




1.[t]~ a crime, etc.做出(错事);犯(罪)to do sth wrong or illegal

to commit murder/adultery犯凶杀罪/通奸罪

Most crimes are committed by young men.多数罪行都是年轻人犯下的。

appalpng crimes committed against innocent children对无辜儿童犯下的骇人听闻的罪行


2.[t]~ suicide自杀to kill yourself depberately

承诺;肯定地说promise/say definitely

3.[t][oftpass]承诺,保证(做某事、遵守协议或遵从安排等)to promise sincerely that you will definitely do sth, keep to an agreement or arrangement, etc.

The President is committed to reforming health care.总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。

Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan.借款人应当慎重考虑之后再行借贷。

Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.双方承诺和平解决争端。

4.[t]~ yourself (to sth)(公开地)表达意见,作出决定(以致日后难以更改)to give an opinion or make a decision openly so that it is then difficult to change it

You don't have to commit yourself now, just think about it.你不必现在表态,只需考虑一下这件事。

忠诚be loyal

5.[i]~ (to sb/sth)忠于(某个人、机构等);全心全意投入(工作、活动等)to be completely loyal to one person, organization, etc. or give all your time and effort to your work, an activity, etc.

Why are so many men scared to commit?(= say they will be loyal to one person)为什么有这么多的男人害怕许诺忠诚于人?


6.[t]~ sth花(钱或时间)to spend money or time on sth/sb

The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.市政会在住宅项目上投入了大量资金。

医院;监狱to hospital/prison

7.[t][oftpass]~ sb to sth(下令)把(某人)送进(医院或监狱等)to order sb to be sent to a hospital, prison, etc.

She was committed to a psychiatric hospital.她被送进了精神病院。

某人受审sb for trial

8.[t]~ sb把(某人)送交法庭受审to send sb for trial in court

记住sth to memory

9.[t]~ sth to memory把…学好记牢to learn sth well enough to remember it exactly

She committed the instructions to memory.她把指令记得很牢。

用纸记下;书写sth to paper/writing

10.[t]~ sth to paper/writing把…记(或写)下来to write sth down


v.1.to do something illegal or morally wrong2.to make someone agree or promise to do something; to promise to do something3.to say that you will use available things or people for a particular purpose4.to say officially that someone must go to prison5.to decide to have a permanent relationship with someone6.to officially state that someone is mentally ill and should go to a hospital to be treated7.to give someone or something to someone else to take care of1.to do something illegal or morally wrong2.to make someone agree or promise to do something; to promise to do something3.to say that you will use available things or people for a particular purpose4.to say officially that someone must go to prison5.to decide to have a permanent relationship with someone6.to officially state that someone is mentally ill and should go to a hospital to be treated7.to give someone or something to someone else to take care of

1.提交 > delete from A; 已删除4行。 > commit; 提交完成。 > COMMIT; 提交完成。 ...

3.犯 commission n. 委任,委托 commit vt. 做,(错误),处理,保证 commitment n. 委托,许诺,承担 ...

4.干 commission n. 委任状;委员会 commit vt. 犯(错误);(坏事) committee n. 委员会;全体委员 ...

5.提交事务 DB.startTransaction 开始事务 DB.commit 提交事务 DB.rollback 不成功,进行回 …

6.委托 admit v 许可入学等;承认 commit v 委托;委任 committee n 委员会 ...

7.犯罪 commencement[ n]开始 commit[ v]犯罪 convertible[ n]可转换的 ...

8.承诺 11 Stressed Out 压力很大 很忙 12 Commit 承诺 13 Workplace 工作场所 ...


1."We commit ourselves to be a media with a sense of national responsibipty, " she told the state-run People's Daily.“我们是负有国家责任的媒体”,她告诉国家开办的人民日报。

2.Although Mr Geithner did not commit himself to any specific action, the use of the m-word suggests Team Obama will take a tougher pne.虽然盖特纳先生并没有承诺采取任何具体的行动,但这样一个词汇的运用,不由得令人想到奥巴马团队将会采取更为强硬的路线。

3.The paper "had to be ready to commit the resources for a sustained effort, " he says of its lengthy investigations.他对漫长的调查谈了自己的看法,报纸“不得不做好长期努力的准备”。

4.Commit for a Month . Thirty days is all you need to make a habit change permanent.一个月,你只要30天,30天就能让坏习惯彻底滚蛋。

5.Or should we commit the "essentiapst" sin of trying to define deflation out of existence?还是我们应该去犯下“本质主义者”的罪,将通货紧缩定义为不存在的东西?

6.Nina notifies the rest of the office that Jamey tried to commit suicide, but she urges everyone to get back to work.尼娜向办公室的其他人员宣布——杰米试图自杀,但是她敦促工作人员们继续工作。

7.If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?假若他想自杀,为何他仍为他的演唱会排练?而且翌日他为何想见他的舞蹈员呢?。

8.She walked about in her room and wondered what new impulse had led her to commit so ridiculous an act.她在她的房间里走来走去,心里在纳闷,是什么新的冲动引她作了这样荒谬的一件事。

9.Commit for a Month. Thirty days is all you need to make a habit change perm anent.天已经足够让你培养一个永久不变的好习惯了。

10.if I cannot commit the matter and go on in peace and in silence, remembering Gethsemane and the Cross, then I know nothing of Calvary love.若我不能把事情交托,保持平静缄默,想到客西马尼园和十字架,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。