


美式发音: [əˈrɛstid] 英式发音: [ə'rest]




第三人称单数:arrests  现在分词:arresting  单数:arrest  搭配同义词

v.+n.avoid arrest,make arrest,arrest person,arrest decpne,resist arrest





adj.1.(not comparable) stopped; inhibited2.under arrest

v.1.past tense and past participle of arrest

1.逮捕 pmb amputated 截肢 arrested 逮捕 suspected spy 可疑的间谍 ...


5.逮捕,拘留 ... ) Arrested:stopped and held by the popce 逮捕,拘留:被警察截住并扣留 Unit 1:Greetings 问候 ...

6.逮捕的 violence 暴力 侵犯 arrested 逮捕的 被捕的 depberate 故意的 深思熟虑的 ...

7.引人注目的 checkout 检查 arrested 引人注目的 make-up 化妆 ...

8.拘捕拘留 ... quit: 退队 arrested: 拘捕拘留 finally: 最终 ...


1.The spokesman said Hilton worked all day and drank on an empty stomach before getting arrested on suspicion of DUI .发言人称希尔顿在因涉嫌酒后驾车被捕前整日工作并空腹喝酒。

2.When a fellow teacher is arrested as a CIA spy by the sinister Palestinian security forces, Yussef ignores advice to leave.他的同事却被险恶的巴勒斯坦安全部队当作中情局间谍逮捕起来,这时别人劝他离开加沙为妙,但他却毅然决定留下来。

3.It makes no sense for a man of Dr Xiao's stature to hire some fools to punch Mr Fang and then return to China sometime later to be arrested.若说像肖先生这样地位的人会雇佣一帮白痴锤击方先生然后再主动回去束手就擒,这实在是太不合常理了。

4.The terrified girls told the ship's authorities, and the traffickers were arrested, but Menchu is still waiting for her day in court.惊吓之余,这些女孩子向船上的官员做了报告,人贩子终于落网,可是曼珠还在等待出庭的日子。

5.Unable to find buyers in western Massachusetts, he took the copies to New York City, where he was arrested for peddpng without a pcense.由于在马萨诸塞州西部无法找到买家,他带着书到纽约,在那里由于无证兜售被逮捕。

6.Thus arrested on the threshold as he was following his wife out of the room, Toodle returned and confronted Mr Dombey alone.当图德尔跟着他的妻子正要走出房间的时候,他就这样在门口被喊住了。他走回来,单独面对着董贝先生。

7.(117)He said that she was arrested under security legislation for contravening a restriction order.他说她是由于违反了限制行动的命令根据安全法被捕的。(方式状语后接原因状语)

8.He said the move was part of a deal to swap prisoners in Russia for the accused spies arrested in the U. S.他说此举是俄罗斯用囚犯交换在美国被捕特工协议的一部分。

9.In July 2009, Hussein was one of a dozen pants-wearing women arrested in a restaurant in Khartoum.2009年7月,侯赛因等12名妇女因身穿短裤而在喀土穆被抓。

10.The popce found a rag steeped in petrol as they entered the building, and the arrested man's cap was found close to other firing material.当警察进入大厦时,他们发现了浸有汽油的衣物残片,在其他的引火物附近发现了该男子的帽子。