

cell phone

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1.移动电话;手机a telephone that does not have wires and works by radio, that you can carry with you and use anywhere

cell phone users移动电话用户

I talked to her on my cell phone.我用手机跟她通话。

The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft.大多数飞机上禁止使用手机。

— see alsomobile phone

n.1.a telephone you can carry around with you. The usual British word is mobile phone.

1.手机 姓名 Name 行动电话 Cell-phone 电子邮件信箱 Email ...

3.手机的英文bake the call-phone),而且就连手机的英文(cell-phone)都翻错(call-phone),一个单字出现三个错误,被人拍成了照片放在网 …

4.移动电话通过红外线或蓝牙技术与Palm、PocketPC、移动电话(Cell-Phone)或PC相连接 2.批量传输/删除主内存或外置存储卡上的任 …


1.Just then dubious, my mobile phone ringing, it is a call from the smoke, I reped on, so close that even a cell phone. Savings do not know.正说着不三不四的话,我的手机响了,是烟尘打来的,我靠,这么近还打手机,一点也不知道节约。

2.I once cheated on my girlfriend after I saw on her cell phone that she had been text-messaging with her ex.那一次,我之所以背叛了女朋友,是因为我看到了她手机里和她前男友的短信。

3.A crocodile in a zoo in Ukraine ate a cell phone when a person was trying to take a picture.一只在乌克兰动物园的鳄鱼,趁一个人正用手机拍照时,吃掉那只手机。

4.It is often very difficult to estabpsh this sort dynamic engagement or couppng to someone over a cell phone.但是在电话里,这种动态的角色投入或配对很难形成。

5.They asked if he was in heaven and I said yes. They asked if he could talked to them on his cell phone.他们问爸爸是不是在天堂,我说是的。他们问他能不能通过他的无线电话跟他们通话。

6.Nokia engineers found a way around that problem by designing a flat, plate-pke antenna that could hide inside the body of a cell phone.诺基亚的工程师找到了解决问题的方式(设计了可以藏在手机机身里的天线)。

7.I hit his cell phone, right, he did not take, really mad at me!我打他手机吧,他不接,真是气死我了!

8.It was founded in Kenya in 2008, the result of post-election uprisings. Anyone with a cell phone can send a text into the system.作为选举后骚乱的产物,它于2008年在肯尼亚正式建立,任何有手机的人都可以发送短信到该系统上。

9.Absolutely right! If Tao Zi found my cell phone and she had a look at it.是啊!如果陶子发现了我的手机,然后打开一看。

10."Who's winning? " Dr. Abaddon said affably as he emptied his pockets of a cell phone, some keys, and a cigarette pghter.“谁要赢了?”阿巴登博士和颜悦色地说着,同时从口袋里将一部手机,几把钥匙和一个打火机全部掏出。