



美式发音: [əˈraɪv] 英式发音: 



过去式:arrived  现在分词:arriving  第三人称单数:arrives  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.safely arrive,finally arrive,duly arrive

v.+n.arrive hour,arrive destination,arrive camp,arrive station,waiting arrive


v.reach,turn up,get there,land,disembark



v.1.to reach a place, after having been somewhere else2.to happen, take place, or begin to exist3.to reach a decision after thinking about or discussing a problem4.to be born5.<informal>to achieve an aim, especially after a lot of effort1.to reach a place, after having been somewhere else2.to happen, take place, or begin to exist3.to reach a decision after thinking about or discussing a problem4.to be born5.<informal>to achieve an aim, especially after a lot of effort

1.抵达 出发 Departs 抵达 Arrives 登机门 Dept. Gate ...

2.到达 1 fpes 坐飞机去纽约 2 arrives 到达 3 left 离开 ...

3.满脸粉刺的年青人 ... Warf 码头 Arrives 抵港 Departs 离港 ...

5.时间tance)、飞离时间 (departs) 和到达时间 (arrives)。


1.WILL Barack Obama, who arrives in India for his first official tour of the country in the next few days, be forced to utter the K-word?巴拉克·奥巴马即将于未来几天抵达印度,对印度进行首次正式访问,奥巴马会被迫就克什米尔问题作出讲话吗?

2.The models will be dispatched by registered letter or in a parcel as soon as the money arrives at the bank account.当汇款一到指定银行帐户时,模型就将会被以挂号信或包裹的形式邮寄给你。

3.A self-described agent of chaos, the Joker arrives in Gotham abruptly, as if he'd been hiding up someone's sleeve.自我标榜为混乱的代理人,小丑突然来到哥顿市,仿佛他过去一直藏在某个人的衣袖之中。

4.It seems that she's on the search for it in her own way, and I find when you stop looking, it just arrives.那就像是她在寻找她的自我一样,而且我觉得当你停止张望时,妳就找到了。

5.If he arrives at the city, its people will need more than just air cover to save them in what could be a bloody and long-drawn-out battle.如果他抵达该市,当地人民将需要比空中掩护更多的保护,才能将其从一场可能变为血腥、历时耗长的战争中拯救出来。

6.We shall be glad to let you know by telephone as soon as it arrives.货一到我们就会电话通知您。

7.If you are a VWP traveler who arrives in the United States without a machine-readable passport or a visa, do not expect to be granted entry.免签国家的旅行者如果在抵达美国时没有可机读护照,也没有签证,则不会被批准入境。

8."It's far easier, more cost-effective, to prevent an invasive species from getting in than deapng with it after it arrives, " she said.“阻止入侵物种进入比进入后处理更容易、更划算。”她说。

9.But it's funny. The moment my dad arrives home, it would dash to the door barking. It seems to tell everyone dad is back.不过它还挺逗。爸爸的车一到家门它就飞快地跑去,蹲在门口不停地叫,好像在告诉我们爸爸回来了。

10.Players seem to pass the ball in rhythm that gets faster and faster until the chance to score finally arrives.球员们的传球像不断加快的节奏一样,知道能得分的机会终于来到了的时候。