


美式发音: [ˈjʌki] 英式发音: ['jʌki]



比较级:yuckier  最高级:yuckiest  同义词反义词





1.讨厌的;令人生厌的;令人厌恶的disgusting or very unpleasant

yucky food难以下咽的食物


adj.1.<informal>dirty, ugly, or unpleasant

1.令人讨厌的 ) filter 过滤,渗透 ) yucky 令人讨厌的 ) funnel 漏斗,烟囱 ...

2.恶心的 squid 鱿鱼 yucky 恶心的 calamari 炸鱿鱼 ...

3.难吃的 spicy 香的 124. yucky 难吃的 125. yummy 好吃的 126. ...

4.令人厌恶的 ugly 丑陋的 yucky 讨厌的,令人厌恶的 nasty 难吃的 ...

5.令人极度厌恶的 evil 邪恶的 yucky 令人极度厌恶的 oppressive 残酷的,不公正的 ...


1.After a few turns, the filter was removed. Yucky oil. This time, the oil was dripping right into the pan positioned below it.转了几转后,过滤器便被取下了。肮脏的油阿。这次机油可直接流入盛油盆中了。

2.He opens you up , touches you deep inside and scoops out all the yucky stuff -- including the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc.祂把您打开,进入到您的内心最深处,且把所有肮脏的东西都挖出来——包括疑惑、憎恨、贪婪的种子等等。

3.They also made very similar faces when they were shown some yucky photos: pictures of dog poop or dirty toilets.当科学家们给他们看一些恶心的照片时(狗粪或者肮脏的厕所),他们也表现出非常相似的面部表情。

4.Would I go for somebody that the others consider is yucky, whatever you call it nowadays, yucky?我会追求别人觉得厌恶的人,不知道你们现在怎么叫她,令人厌恶的?

5.Just pke you thought French kissing was yucky when you first heard it described, don't change your mind about oral sex either.正如你曾经第一次所听到的,湿吻令人恶心,同时也不要改变你对口交的看法。

6.Arch Deluxe ads showed kids making "yucky faces, " turning up their noses at the new adult burger.ArchDeluxe的广告展示小孩做着令人讨厌的面孔,在新的成人汉堡上出现他们的鼻子。

7.Most toddlers think mashed potato is yucky food.多数婴幼儿认为马铃薯泥是令人做恶难吃的食物。

8.There are NO yucky "meat by-products" -- just meats and meat meals you can feel good about.没有不讨人喜欢“肉副产品”-只是肉类和肉类你可以感觉良好。

9.This kind of food in guangzhou is yucky.这种美食在广州很难吃得到。

10.Everyone knows someone who refuses to eat certain foods, whether it's because of yucky texture, unappetizing color or stinky smell.大家都认识一些挑食的人,不管他们是因为嫌菜样恶心,还是觉得菜色倒胃,抑或是觉得菜味不香不肯吃某些食物。