




1.美术书 arrival book 到达登记簿 art book 美术书 astronomical year book 【测】天文年历 ...

2.画册 Huck Gee - The Art of Huck Gee 插画 画册 Amanda Visell - Art Book 艺术画册 插画 KAWS - Book by Rizzop 画册书 陈冠希 ...

4.本原版的画集 春花秋韵复方精油10 ml 良书益友 Art Book 饰品 jade ...

6.美术集‧美术集(Art Book)↓ 下载卡印刷相当精致!

7.美术设定集2K Games 今日释出Bioshock 美术设定集(Art Book)的电子版,全世界玩家即日起可从60余页的手绘概念图稿略览Irrational Ga…


1.If Iasked you about art, you'd probably give me the skinny on Every art book ever written. Michelangelo. You know alot about him.问你艺术,你可能会提出艺术书籍中的粗浅论调,有关米开朗基罗,你知道很多。

2.A glossy new art book, "Portraits of the Mind, " hopes to draw the general reader into neuroscience with the sheer beauty of its images.一本名为《思想写真》澄亮崭新的画集尝试利用极其美丽的图片将普通读者吸引到神经科学领域中来。

3.The owner of the bookstore doesn't have to carry the art book of nudes or the pro-Nazi thesis.书店店主并不非要进裸体艺术图书和鼓吹纳粹的论文。

4.You ought to thumb through this art book sometime.你什么时候应该浏览一下这本美术书。

5.SEAN : So, if I asked you about art, you'd probably give me the skinny on Every art book ever written. Michelangelo.尚恩:所以问你艺术,你可能会提出艺术书籍中的粗浅论调,有关米开朗基罗,你知道很多,他的政治抱?

6.So if I asked you about art, you'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written.所以,如果问你艺术,你可能会提出艺术书本里面的粗浅论调。

7.This is a cupnary art book.这是一本烹饪艺术书。

8.My friend gave me the latest fingernail art book.朋友送了我一本最新的指甲彩绘画。

9.China and the west; art book design; communication and integration; multi-dimensional; prepminary research;中西方;文艺书装设计;对话与融合;多维性;初探;

10.A Growing Market The International Art Book一个不断在扩张的市场:国际性的艺术图书