



美式发音: [bɪld] 英式发音: 



过去式:built  过去式:build-ed  过去分词:builded  第三人称单数:builds  现在分词:building  

v.1.建,盖,建筑;建设,建造;筑,造2.建立,创立,确立,树立;培养3.抬高(身份),捧(演员);扩大 (up)4.被建造;从事营造业5.逐渐达到高峰;逐步扩大范围1.建,盖,建筑;建设,建造;筑,造2.建立,创立,确立,树立;培养3.抬高(身份),捧(演员);扩大 (up)4.被建造;从事营造业5.逐渐达到高峰;逐步扩大范围


v.1.to make a building or other large structure by putting its parts together; to make a machine, vehicle, or other structure by putting its parts together2.to develop something3.to increase, or to make something increase

n.1.the size and shape of someones body


1.And Noah builded an altar unto Jehovah, and took of every clean beast, and of every clean bird, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar.挪亚为上主建造一座祭坛;他从礼仪上定为洁净的各种牲畜和飞鸟中各选一只,放在祭坛上作烧化祭。

2.Out of that land he went forth into Assyria, and builded Nineveh, and Rehoboth-ir, and Calah.他从那地出来往亚述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉。

3.Is there not a verse of scripture in Isaiah mentioning the rock on which the great pyramid is builded?该不是已经建造的大金字塔里石头上提到的以赛亚书经书的诗句吗?

4.Andthen, builded the synthetic evaluation model of sustainable development, and made demonstration evaluation.然后,构建了可持续发展综合评价模型,以进行实证评估。

5.and that they may know that this house, which I have builded, is called by thy name.又使他们知道我建造的这殿是称为你名下的。

6.Modle of a micro-flowrate high-speed centrifugal compressor(MHCC)impellers is builded and its performance is numerically studied.建立一种空气工质微小流量高转速离心压缩机叶轮模型并对其性能进行数值模拟研究。

7.He hath builded against me, and compassed me with gall and travail.他筑垒攻击我,用苦楚(原文作苦胆)和艰难围困我。

8.This thesis first builded up the loss model of inverter with different modulation methods.本文首先建立了逆变器不同调制方式下的损耗模型。

9.Meanwhile, the quasi-dimensional model of the turbulent combustion in the cypnder was builded to process the test data.同时,针对低浓度瓦斯建立了发动机缸内准维双区湍流燃烧模型,分析处理试验数据。

10.Based on basic principles of grillage method, space grillage model is builded, and its effectiveness is verified.本文基于梁格法的基本原理,建立空间梁格模型,文章最后通过算例验证了该模型的有效性和实用性。