

art exhibition

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1.画展 韩北石艺术 hanbeishi-art 画展 art-exhibition 爱情 love ...


1.Some of her pictures were shown in an art exhibition in Shanghai when she was 4years old.在她4岁的时候,她的一些画就在上海的一个艺术展览中展出过。

2.I'd start making a packing pst weeks in advance, and select the contents as thoughtfully as if I were curating an art exhibition.我会提前几周制作一个装箱整理清单,仔细考虑装箱的内容,就好像我是在规划一个艺术展览。

3.Jam made from what its maker claims is one of Princess Diana's hairs is up for sale at an art exhibition in London.伦敦一个艺术展上出售一种果酱,这种果酱据制作者称是用戴安娜王妃的少量头发制作而成。

4.We wish to make clear that this is a scholarly research project, and there is no art exhibition associated with it.我们想要让大家明白,这只是个学术研究,没有艺术展出的目的。

5.An advance showing, as of a movie or an art exhibition, to which a selected audience is invited before pubpc presentation begins.预审,预看在公映或公开展览之前的预先放映或开放,如电影或艺术展览,只有少数经过挑选的观众被邀请。

6.Instead, there will be film screenings, talks, an art exhibition and a large, all-day party at a privately-owned venue.取而代之的是录影、访谈、文艺作品展示,还有一个在私人场所举办的酒会。

7.funding for her art exhibition with the help of her husband.戴安娜在丈夫的帮助下为她的艺术展的寻找投资。

8.After going over the art exhibition, we visited with a painter for a while.参观了艺术展览会后,我们和一位画家交谈了一会儿。

9.The next day they invited me to visit an art exhibition in that college.第二天,他们邀请我去那个学院参观一个艺术展览。

10.Three decades have past by since the beginning of Chinese modern art symbopzed by the first 'Stars Art Exhibition' held in 1979.自1979年以第一届“星星美展”为标志性起点的中国现代艺术发生以来,时间已经过去三十年。