




1.普洱茶 保健茶类( Herbal Tea) 普洱茶puer Tea) 绿茶类( Green Tea) ...

2.云南普洱茶 六安瓜片 Guapian 云南普洱茶 Puer Tea 西湖龙井 Longjing ...

3.吃茶 清悟斋. QingWu House 吃茶. PuEr Tea 茶礼. Gift ...

4.普洱熟茶 ... 普洱生茶 Puer Tea 普洱熟茶 Puer Tea 蜂蜜柠檬茶 Honey Lemon Tea ...

5.普洱生茶 ... 牛奶 Milk 普洱生茶 Puer Tea 普洱熟茶 Puer Tea ...

6.养生普洱茶 [5030] 皇后希望 KEEMUN QUEEN’S HOPE [5031] 养生普洱茶 Puer Tea [5040] 奇力马扎罗 KILIM…

7.普洱茶叶eese) 55g 糖 (sugar) 1/3杯 普洱茶叶 (Puer tea) 1.5小匙 (tsp)


1.The method comprises the step of putting the puer tea into the culture medium to promote the rapid propagation of yeast cells.本发明将普洱茶加入培养基中,从而促进酵母细胞的迅速繁殖。

2.Puer tea, tea, taste, born strong fragrance, crisp, GanJiang back spghtly acerbity after drinking, relaxed and happy.普洱茶,生茶,口感强烈,清香爽口,略有涩味,回甘强,饮后令人心旷神怡。

3.Old puer tea, born tea, dry warehouse natural aging, tang was yellow red, Chen fragrant odor, Ian cool.陈年普洱茶,生茶,干仓自然陈化,汤色呈黄红色,陈香,味甘凉。

4.The paper puts emphasis on the corners mechanism in puer tea market.文章重点对普洱茶市中的逼仓机理进行了分析。

5.It's name pu-erh tea, it is a clean and beautiful cities, it with puer tea, orange world famous.它的名字叫普洱,它是一个干净美丽的大城市,它以普洱茶,橘子闻名世界。

6.Puer Tea is a sort of traditional teas in China, it's famous in history and it taste great.普洱茶是中国的一种传统名茶,历史悠久且茶味香浓。

7.There are six kinds oftea, namely Green tea, Black tea, Yellow tea, White tea, Oolong tea, Flower tea and Puer tea.绿茶,黑茶,黄茶,白茶,乌龙茶,花茶和普洱茶。

8.If be spread of tea of puer tea, general selection ZiShaHu brew.如果是散茶类的普洱茶,一般选用紫沙壶冲泡。

9.In the end we analyze two cases about puer tea corners.最后,文章对普洱逼仓进行了案例分析。

10.Where is the future of Puer Tea?普洱茶的未来在哪里?