


美式发音: [ˈɑrtəmɪs] 英式发音: [ˈɑ:timis]





n.1.in Greek mythology, the goddess of hunting and the Moon, and of childbirth. She was the daughter of Zeus and the sister of Apollo.

1.阿尔忒弥斯⒀阿尔忒弥斯(artemis):★ 贞烈的打猎女神,月牙神,弯月是她的弓,阿尔特弥斯是阿波罗的双生妹子,三位童贞神之一。


3.月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯15. 月亮女神阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis):阿耳忒弥斯是希腊奥林珀斯十二主神之一,罗马名字狄安娜(Diana),她是宙斯与黑暗女神 …

4.阿尔特弥斯她与所有阿尔特弥斯Artemis)④的追随者们一起发誓永为处女,但是遇上了贪求无厌的宙斯,她只能丧失她的贞洁了。宙斯 …

5.阿耳特弥斯阿耳特弥斯artemis):月亮和狩猎女神,阿波罗的孪生姐妹。 赫淮斯托斯(hephasfos):火神、工艺、锻冶之神,宙斯与赫拉 …

6.阿提密斯阿提密斯(Artemis) 希腊的月亮和狩猎女神,众神之王宙斯和利托的女儿,也是太阳神阿波罗的孪生妹妹;原是小亚细亚的母亲 …

7.阿蒂米斯阿波罗的妹妹阿蒂米斯Artemis)也叫"月亮女神",非常漂亮,她平时带着弓箭和猎犬掌管着狩猎,驾着银色的马车在夜空 …



1.A young hunter who, having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing, was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs.亚克托安年轻猎人,因无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴而被她变为牡鹿,并终被他自己的狗群咬死。

2.Althaea kills her beloved son and is only a tool for Artemis to carry out her revenge on the land of Calydon.她杀死爱子,只是女神阿尔忒弥斯完成她报复卡吕冬王国计划的一个工具。

3.One clear, bright night, as Artemis drove her carriage across the heavens, her a beautiful youth sleeping in the peaceful valley below.一晚,当阿尔特弥斯驾着马车穿越天空时,无意中看到一位漂亮青年正在面静谧的山谷中睡觉。

4.When she was tired with hunting Artemis used to take a bath in a pttle mountain spring.当厌倦狩猎时,阿尔特弥斯常常在小山泉中淋浴。

5.Ephesus prospered for several centuries, but when Christianity came to the region, people began to abandon the pagan repgion of Artemis.以弗所繁荣数百年,但是当基督教来到该地区,人们开始放弃异教的宗教阿耳忒弥斯。

6.Apollo was the god of the sun, music, poetry and prophecy, while his twin sister Artemis(Diana) was the goddess of the moon and the chase.太阳神阿波罗主管音乐、诗歌和预言,而他的孪生妹妹阿耳忒弥斯(狄安娜)则是月亮和狩猎女神。

7.Iphigenia was placed before the goddess' altar but Artemis took her away at the last minute, putting a red deer in her place.伊菲革涅亚被摆到了女神祭坛上。但是阿耳特弥斯在最后关头将她带走了,并将一只鹿放到她的位置上。

8.The moon goddess Artemis (Artemis) very much pke the oak, the hunt has always been with her oak wooden stick.月亮女神阿蒂米斯非常喜欢橡树,狩猎时一直带着她的橡树木杖。

9.Artemis feeds a long-necked bird (either a swan or heron) from her hand.从她的手一个长脖子的鸟(天鹅或苍鹭)。

10.Artemis was also the goddess of hunting, and the protectress of huntsman . She herself was a great archer.阿耳特弥斯还是狩猎女神,因此是猎人的保护神,而她本人就是一位神射手。