




1.珀米拉和婚礼礼服闻名的华伦天奴,于2007年成为欧洲著名私募基金公司帕米拉Permira)的一份子,当时这笔价值26亿欧元的交 …

7.私募机构珀米拉、安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)、帕米拉风投公司Permira)和汤姆森•路透集团(Thomson Reuters)。


1.Valentino is trying to renegotiate its debt and Permira has reportedly written down its investment by roughly half.华伦天奴一直尝试重新商谈其债务情况,同时据报道珀米拉则只写下大概一半的投资额。

2.Some including TPG, Candover and Permira are giving back some of the money they had raised.包括TPG、康多富和珀米拉在内的一些集团正在返还筹集的一部分资金。

3.But in terms of actually making new investments, it has achieved very pttle.但就实际做出的新投资而言,Permira取得的进展少之又少。

4.Permira puts a heavy focus on the companies in which it holds stakes developing their businesses in emerging markets pke China.Permira非常注重它持股的那些在中国等新兴市场开发业务的公司。

5.It will also have veto and non-dilution rights and a commitment from the Lui family not to sell its stake.此外,Permira还拥有否决权和不得稀释权,且吕氏家族承诺不会出售所持股权。

6.At the time, Permira was in talks with BorsodChem's lenders about restructuring the group's debt after it breached banking covenants.当时,Permira正与BorsodChem的所有贷方就重组该集团的债务进行洽谈,此前,该集团违反了银行契约。

7."It's unusual in itself, " Martin Clarke, Permira partner and head of global consumer investments, said of the transaction.“这笔交易本身非比寻常,”Permira合伙人兼全球消费者投资主管马丁•克拉克(MartinClarke)表示。

8.Permira will pay cash, with the deal expected to close at the end of 2011 or start of 2012, Alcatel said in a statement.阿尔卡特在一份声明中称,Permira将支付现金.交易将在2011年末或2012年初完成。

9.Permira has already announced that it will not draw down 40 per cent of its last fund.Permira已经宣布,其最近一只基金的募资金额将减少40%。

10.The internal rate of return (IRR) of its 2006 vintage fund was a miserable -25% on March 31st.Permira的2006年份基金的内部回报率实在低得可怜,今年3月31日公布业绩时仅为-25%。