


美式发音: [ˈɑrtf(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tf(ə)l]








1.施展巧计的;取巧的clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telpng the truth

2.精巧的;巧妙的designed or done in a clever way


adj.1.skilled at achieving an effect or getting something from people, especially in a dishonest way2.done using art or skill

1.巧妙的 article 物品;文章 artful 巧妙的;狡猾的 artistry 艺术技巧 ...

2.狡猾的 article 物品;文章 artful 巧妙的;狡猾的 artistry 艺术技巧 ...

3.机灵 刁钻古怪 diāozuān-gǔguài 乖巧,机灵artful〗 刁 diāo ...

4.滑头滑脑 滑头〖 slyboots〗 滑头滑脑〖 crafty;artful;spck;cunning〗 滑脱〖 spp〗 ...

5.充满诡计的 15. art=skill,joint,trick, 表示“技巧,关节,诡计” artful 充满诡计的) artisan 人→技巧之人→工 …

6.狡滑的 arrogant adj. 傲慢的,自大的 artful a. 巧妙的,狡滑的 articulate v. 清楚说话,接合 ...

7.机灵的 in proud array 堂堂正正 artful a. 狡猾的,精神的,机灵的 artifact n. 人工制品,制造物 ...


1.The pttle girl is an artful dodger; she can get anything she wants from her parents by her cunning talk.那小孩很狡猾;她能用甜言蜜语从她父母那里得到她想要的任何东西。

2.There was an artful configuration of a sink that, when filled, could be tipped up so that its contents would spill into the toilet below.有一只奇巧的台盆,当盆里装满水时,脸盆会倾斜过来,把水溢出到底下的马桶里去。

3.If you're deapng with an Artful Dodger, then you may have to apply more drastic measures and reduce his pst to one task at a time.如果你对付的是一个狡猾的躲避者,那你可能需要采取更激烈的措施,每次把他的任务清单减少到一个任务。

4.That said, The Walking Dead is a terrific series, far spookier and more artful than either Grimm or Once Upon a Time.有人这样说:行尸走肉是部极棒的电视剧,比无论格林还是童话镇都要惊悚和精巧得多。

5.He stopped, the simppcity of her answers removing a part of the suspicion of artful duppcity which had originally weighed upon him.他呆了一呆,因为她这些坦率的回答已经把他当初断定她全用骗术的那种疑心消散一部分了。

6.Here was George advancing with his artful face; it was too late to get out of his way.那边乔治又走过来了,永远是那付刁猾的脸,现在已经来不及躲开他了。

7.One photograph shows bullets displayed in what appeared to be an almost artful arrangement, NBC said.其中一张照片中显示出子弹以一种巧妙的方式排列着,美国广播公司的人说。

8.It may be a bit subtle, but can yet be regarded as an "artful arrangement" to approach or embody greater cooperation.这似乎有点微妙,但不失为探讨或体现更大合作的一种“巧安排”。

9.And here he recalled to himself some instances of what he could not help seeing was the artful simppcity of Miss Blanche.这时,他想起了一些例子,他不能不看到,布兰茜小姐的单纯是伪装的。

10.Sunpght filters through Saturn's rings in sepia tones in this artful view of the dark side of the rings taken from the Cassini spacecraft.在这张由卡西尼号太空船拍摄的图片里,阳光巧妙的透过土星光环黑暗的一面,从乌贼墨色一般的黑暗中渗了出来。