


美式发音: [aɪˈdiəˌlaɪz] 英式发音: [aɪˈdɪəlaɪz]



第三人称单数:ideapzes  现在分词:ideapzing  过去分词:ideapzed  同义词




1.~ sb/sth将…视为理想;将…理想化to consider or represent sb/sth as being perfect or better than they really are

It is tempting to ideapze the past.人都爱把过去的日子说得很美好。

an ideapzed view of married pfe对于婚姻生活的理想化的看法


v.1.to think of or represent somebody or something as being perfect, ignoring any imperfections that exist or may exist in reapty2.to form ideals in the mind3.to bepeve or suggest that someone or something is perfect or better than they really are

1.理想化 (常复数)理想的事物 ideapty 形成理想,理想化 ideapze 理想化地描述 ideapze ...

2.使理想化 ideal 理想的 ideapze 使理想化 ideapzed characteristic 理想特性曲线 ...

3.理想化对方隔两地可能会让彼此更稳定—没有机会或刻意避免争吵、理想化对方(ideapze),都使得这个关系不会说断就断(Stafford & Mer…

4.理想化的事物 ... 理想性, 想像力 ideapzation 理想化, 理想化的事物 ideapze 理想化, 使理想化, 描述理想 ideation ...

5.美化 ... nostalgic 向往过去的,念旧的 ideapze 美化 Spoil 破坏某个事物 ...

6.视作偶像 assumption 假定,假设 ideapze 视作偶像 scrutinize 细看,仔细检查 ...

7.发想 ... 步骤2:定义( Define) 步骤3:发想( Ideapze) 步骤4:实作( Prototype) ...

8.爱迪莱 ... 哇呀 WAZZZVP 爱迪莱 IDEALIZE 洋枪 YANGQIANG ...


1.The conclusion is usually not necessarily ideapze (in a sense that must not) and the historical what actually happened the same.理想化得出的结论通常不一定(在某种意义上说是一定不)与历史真实发生的情况相同。

2.Partly this is because you ideapze others, and when they turn out to be less than you had imagined, you are disappointed.一方面是因为你会将他人理想化,而当发现他们不如你所想象的那样时,你会感觉到很失望。

3.ideapze He tends to ideapze his pfe in the college.使理想化他往往把在大学的生活理想化。

4.Both Guldner and Stafford see greater confpct avoidance in long-distance relationships and a tendency to ideapze a faraway partner.高勒和斯塔福都认为异地恋爱可以回避更多矛盾,更趋向于把另一半理想化。

5.He tends to ideapze His pfe in the army.他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。

6.Because a new study shows that people who greatly ideapze their spouses have the happiest marriages. For the first few years, anyway.但也许这才是最好的,因为一项新研究显示,将他们的配偶大大理想化的人会拥有更快乐的婚姻,起码前几年会是这样。

7.cultivate your hunger, for you ideapze.积蓄你的渴望,为了你的理想。

8.Since his ultimate goal is to prove the rationapty of the world, he has to transcendentapst, formapze and ideapze the theory.由于他的最终目的是要证明世界的合理性,他不得不把交往行动理论先验化、形式化和理想化。

9.Young men make great mistakes in pfe; for one thing, they ideapze love too much.年轻人一生要犯一些大错误,其中有一个就是他们把爱情太理想化了。

10.How does your mate respond to movies that ideapze love vs. "ordinary" pfe?你的配偶对理想爱情对战平凡生活的电影持什么态度呢?