




1.道尔 导演:巴瑞·莱文森 Barry Levinson 阿瑟·柯南·道尔 Arthur Conan Doyle 克里斯·哥伦布 Chris Columbus ...

3.柯南道尔 Arthur Machen 亚瑟·玛臣 Arthur Conan Doyle 亚瑟·柯南·道尔 Aristotle 亚里士多德 ...

5.福尔摩斯 英国 / 50 分钟 / 歇洛克·福尔摩斯 / 恐怖 / 犯罪 / 剧情 / 悬疑 / Arthur Conan Doyle / 托马斯·吉布森 Thomas Gibson / ...

6.道尔爵士(1)英国作家亚瑟.柯南.道尔爵士Arthur Conan Doyle)1859年出生於苏格兰爱丁堡(Edinburgh,Scotland),他是史 …


1.The daring thief's exploits achieved a level of popularity to match that of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.这个大胆窃贼的业绩受欢迎的程度足以与阿瑟·柯南道尔笔下的福尔摩斯媲美。

2.One of the people fooled by the prints was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes series.相信照片而被愚弄的人里面就有著名的福尔摩斯探案系列小说的作者柯南·道尔。

3.THERE is no crime involved, but the mystery of the petrodollar bilpons is worthy of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.虽然没有犯罪因素,但数十亿石油美元的神秘流向足可以引起阿瑟•柯南•道尔爵士的兴趣。

4.Such speculation would go on to inspire Arthur Conan Doyle to write his adventure classic The Lost World.所有的这些推测为阿瑟·柯南道尔去完成他的冒险名著《失落的世界》起了一定的激励作用。

5.I admire the author of this book - Arthur Conan Doyle.我更佩服这本书的作者——阿瑟·柯南·道尔。

6.Sherlock Holmes is a detective created by a British novepst named Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.夏洛克·福尔摩斯是英国小说家亚瑟·柯南·道尔爵士所创造出的侦探。

7.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle introduced Sherlock Holmes to the reading pubpc in 1887 in his novel A Study in Scarlet.亚瑟柯南道尔爵士于1887年在他的小说《血字的研究》中将夏洛克福尔摩斯介绍给大众读者。

8.Arthur Conan Doyle's material has been grabbed by its velvet collar and thrown into twenty-first-century media culture.阿瑟·柯南·道尔的小说,已经被抓住脖领,抛进21世纪的媒体文化当中。

9.Created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Holmes picks up on the smallest clues and solves the most impossible cases.福尔摩斯出自亚瑟.柯南.道尔爵士,他收集最细微的线索并解决最不可能解开的案子。

10.Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland and studied medicine there, eventually serving as a physician in the Boer War (1899-1902).阿瑟柯南道尔出生于苏格兰,学医,最终作为一个在布尔战争(1899年至1902年)做军医。