




1.佐野 SALOME 沙罗米 530. SANO 山诺 531. SANDEX 山迪司 532. ...


1.But Seiichiro Sano, Sanyo's president, insisted the company would not shed unprofitable businesses over the next three years.但三洋总裁村上佐野(SeiichiroSano)强调,该公司在今后3年中不会放弃不赢利的业务。

2.Yasushige Sano, 35, an office worker in Tokyo, said he is staying put in the area with his wife and toddler.东京35岁的白领YasushigeSano说,他与妻子、年幼的孩子都留在当地。

3."I've told my professor I was going to go buy an iPhone, and he gave me permission, " said Sano, wearing a T-shirt with an Apple logo.“我告诉我的导师我要去买一部iPhone,并且得到了他的允许,”身着一件印有苹果商标T恤的Sano说。

4.The Romans might have told us, wisely, to aim for mens sana in corpore sano.罗马人也许已经明智地告诉了我们,要将“健全的心灵寓于健全的身体(menssanaincorporesano)”。

5.The special also includes a graduation scene and addresses the relationship between Mizuki and Sano.特别还包括一个脱离现场和地址之间的关系水木和佐野。

6.Sano Kenji, Folk Calendar and National Calendar: Modernization of Time Concept佐野贤治:民间日历与国家日历——论时间认识的现代化