


美式发音: [ˈɑrtɪzən] 英式发音: [ˌɑː(r)tɪˈzæn]



复数:artisans  同义词

n.craftsperson,artist,artificer,skilled worker



1.工匠;手艺人a person who does skilled work, making things with their hands


n.1.a worker who has special skill and training, especially one who makes things

1.工匠 artificial 人工的;矫揉造作的 artisan 工匠,技工 artifact 工艺品 ...

2.技工 artificial 人工的;矫揉造作的 artisan 工匠,技工 artifact 工艺品 ...

3.手艺人 Spartan 斯巴达人 artisan 技工,手艺人 Mohammedan 回教徒,伊斯兰教徒 ...

4.艺匠 征募 conscript 工匠,手工业工人 artisan 忽必烈 Kublai Khan ...

6.手工艺人 artificial a. 人工的 artisan n. 工匠;手工艺人 artistry n. 艺术才能 ...


1.An artisan was fastening Mother Hucheloup's big straw hat on his head with a string, "for fear of sun-stroke, " as he said.一个工人用细绳把于什鲁大妈的大草帽拴在头上,他说:“免得中暑。”

2.As Barnsley, his teacher, once put it, a rural artisan simply had to do his best.正如他的导师班士利有一回说的,乡村艺术家只是应该要克尽职守;

3.No way, artisan secretly sent his wife to see YuHao wife, take her, JinChai gave her to ask the reason YuHao fu-gong temple shaking.不行,工匠秘密派遣他的妻子看到浩的妻子,带她,金钗给她问原因浩福宫发抖。

4.Paul Artisan, P. I. is a new version of an old breed -- a righter of wrongs, someone driven to get to the bottom of things.私家侦探,是个老式类型人物——一个纠正错误行为的人——的新版本,一个被驱使着要弄清事情最终真相的人。

5.All of it appeared to be handmade, probably by a 17th century artisan.这里的一切似乎都是手工制作的,很可能出自一位17世纪工匠之手。

6.He appeared to be an artisan of some sort, and carried a tin pot of red paint in his hand.他似乎是某种工匠之类的人,手里提着一铁罐红色的油漆。

7.Upon arrival they would be sold out to an artisan, gentleman or farmer according to his or her abipties.到达后他们根据能力的不同被卖给手工业者、绅士或者农民。

8.The old tradition of class division gave the scholar highest rank, the farmer next, the artisan next, and the merchant at the bottom.在传统的社会等级划分中,文人学者处在最高层,其次是农民,再次是工匠,商人处在最底层。

9.He was a man of lofty stature, half peasant, half artisan .他是一个身材高大,半农半工模样的人。

10.Baked in small batches rather than on a vast assembly pne, artisan bread differs from prepackaged supermarket loaves in a number of ways.不同与流水线生产的预先包装的超市面包,它是小批量制作并烘烤的。