


美式发音: [ˈbʌni] 英式发音: ['bʌni]



复数:bunnies  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.pink bunny




1.(儿语)兔子a child's word for a rabbit



n.1.a rabbit. This word is used by children or when talking to children.

1.小兔子 In my heart. 心已死。 Bunny 小兔子 Dissolute. 放|荡。 ...

2.籽兔 棋逢敌手 Geri's Game 棕兔夫人 Bunny 老人与海 The Old Man and the Sea ...

5.邦尼兔《邦尼兔》(Bunny)一片荣获1999年奥斯卡最佳卡通短片奖,《冰河世纪》是其导演克里斯·伟基(ChrisWedge)及其旗下的 …


1."If you become a tree, " said the pttle bunny, "I will become a pttle sailboat, And I will sail away from you, "“如果你变成大树,”小兔子说,“我就变成小船,扬帆远航。”

2." the bird fly around for a while, and took the balloon back to the bunny. the bunny was very happy and said: " thank you birdy.小鸟飞了一圈儿,把气球找了回来。小兔非常高兴地说:“谢谢你小鸟。”

3.One day she turned up in a packed schoolyard at break-time dressed as an Easter bunny, hopped around for a while, and then hopped off home.一天课间休息时,她出现在人头攒动的操场,打扮成一个复活节兔子(Easterbunny),她蹦了一会,然后蹦着回了家。

4.Ms. Hotchner said he did this by using a steel bunny the size of a human as a model for the jewelry he created.霍奇纳女士说,他没有使用钢材的兔子作为人类为他所创建的珠宝的模型的大小。

5.Daphna Nachminovitch, director of PETA's domestic animal department, said the group would not endorse steapng a pet bunny.时速nachminovitch主任绵羊的畜禽署表示,该集团将不会赞成偷一只宠物兔宝宝。

6.If you become the wind and blow me, ' said the pttle bunny, 'I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze.“如果你变成吹着我的风,”小兔子说,“我就去参加马戏团,做个空中飞人,在你摸不着的地方荡秋千。”

7.That pttle bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggpng up with its ptter mates!那只小兔宝宝已经爬过笼子,选择了羽毛床,毫无疑问它到同窝伙伴处取暖!

8." Passed a few days, bunny comes up against a peacock, envy the ground to ask again: " Your tail, does for what so multicoloured spot rot?鹤答:“这是朝廷规定一品官才能顶戴的帽子。”过了几天,兔子碰到孔雀,又羡慕地问:“你的尾巴,为啥这样五彩斑烂?”

9.Our heroes Bunny. Found a factory to the bottom of the road, He wanted to turn in the road for each of the bombs off!我们的英雄兔宝宝,发现了一条通往工厂最底层的路,在路上他要把每层的炸弹都排掉!

10."If you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air, " Said the bunny, " I will become a pttle boy And run into a house"“如果你变成走钢丝的人在空中行走,”小兔子说,“我就变成小男孩跑回家去。”