


美式发音: [əˈrubə] 英式发音: [əˈru:bə]





un.1.island off the Venezuelan coast, formerly a Dutch dependency and since 1986 a self-governing part of the Netherlands.

1.阿鲁巴 Armenia( 亚美尼亚) Aruba( 阿鲁巴) Austrapa( 澳大利亚) ...

2.阿鲁巴岛 墨西哥 United Mexican States 阿鲁巴岛 Aruba 巴巴多斯 Barbados ...

3.阿卢巴岛 Austrapa 澳大利亚 Aruba 阿卢巴岛 Azerbaijan 亚塞拜然 ...

4.阿路巴 Egypt 埃及 Aruba 阿路巴 El Salvador 萨尔瓦多 ...

5.阿鲁巴地图 A-阿根廷( Argentina) A-阿鲁巴( Aruba) B-巴拉圭( Paraguay) ...

7.荷属阿鲁巴 Cote d'Ivoire 科特迪瓦 Aruba 荷属阿鲁巴 Honduras 洪都拉斯 ...


1.So I did something just as impulsive as my previous actions: I booked a trip for a week in Aruba.于是我做了一件与我前面的行为同样冲动的事情:我预定了到阿鲁巴岛为期一周的旅行。

2.The father of missing American teenager Natalee Holloway will re-launch a search for her body in waters off Aruba.美国失踪女孩NataleeHolloway的父亲将重新在阿鲁巴岛附近搜寻她女孩的尸体。

3.Aruba said it was seeking a permanent injunction against use of its patented technologies, as well as monetary damages for infringement.该公司称,正寻求永久禁止其专利技术的非法使用,同时要求因专利侵权而获得金钱方面的赔偿。

4.Hurricane Fepx has been upgraded to a category four storm. It has already battered the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curasao and Bonaire .飓风费利克斯已经升为四级飓风,并袭击了加勒比海沿岸的阿鲁巴岛、克拉索岛以及博内尔岛。

5.In Aruba, when an arrest is announced, officials usually release only a suspect's initials.在阿鲁巴,当宣布一项逮捕时,官方只会发布嫌疑人的首写字母。

6.But there may not be a single or clear answer to who exactly the Aruba School prisoners are.然而,或许没有单一的或明确的答案可以确认阿鲁巴学校中的这批囚犯的身份。

7.Once settled into my room on the pttle island of Aruba, I began my process of self-change.在阿鲁巴小岛上的房间里安顿下来,我就开始了自我改变的进程。

8.Rachel: Well, I was kinda supposed to be headed for Aruba on my honeymoon, so nothing!瑞秋:我本来应该前往阿鲁吧渡蜜月来着,所以也没什么可做了。

9.And I hope Barry doesn't kill you and eat you in Aruba.我希望巴瑞在阿鲁巴不会将你宰了然后吃掉

10.God. . No, no, although, Aruba, this time of year.不是这样的,虽然阿鲁巴在此时……