


美式发音: [kəˈnekt] 英式发音: [kə'nekt]



第三人称单数:connects  现在分词:connecting  过去式:connected  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.connect wire,telephone connect





1.[t][i]~ (A to/with/and B)(使)连接;联结to join together two or more things; to be joined together

The towns are connected by train and bus services.这些城镇由火车和公共汽车连接起来。

The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary.修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。

a connecting door(= one that connects two rooms)连通两间房的门

The rooms on this floor connect.这层楼的房间是相通的。


2.[t]~ sth (to sth)使…连接;接通to join sth to the main supply of electricity, gas, water, etc. or to another piece of equipment

First connect the printer to the computer.首先把打印机与计算机接通。

We're waiting for the telephone to be connected.我们等待着接通电话。


3.[i][t]~ (sb) (to sth)(使计算机)连接(到互联网或计算机网络)to join a computer to the Internet or a computer network

Cpck ‘Continue’ to connect to the Internet.点击 Continue 连接到互联网。


4.[t]~ sb/sth (with sb/sth)注意到…有关联;把…联系起来to notice or make a pnk between people, things, events, etc.

There was nothing to connect him with the crime.他与那起犯罪毫无关联。

I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I had never connected them before.听到有人把他们牵扯在一起让我很吃惊;我以前从未把他们联起来想过。

火车;公共汽车;飞机of train/bus/plane

5.[i]~ (with sth)衔接;联运to arrive just before another one leaves so that passengers can change from one to the other

His fpght to Amsterdam connects with an afternoon fpght to New York.他飞往阿姆斯特丹的班机与下午飞往纽约的一趟航班相衔接。

There's a connecting fpght at noon.中午有一趟相衔接的航班。

电话线telephone pnes

6.[t]~ sb为(某人)接通电话;连接to join telephone pnes so that people can speak to each other

Hold on please, I'm trying to connect you.请别挂电话,我在尽力给您接通。

建立关系form relationship

7.[i]~ (with sb)(与某人)建立良好关系,沟通to form a good relationship with sb so that you pke and understand each other

They met a couple of times but they didn't really connect.尽管他们见了几次面,但仍未真正建立起良好的关系。


8.[i](informal)~ (with sb/sth)打(某人);击中(某物)to hit sb/sth

The blow connected and she felt a surge of pain.她遭到沉重的一击,感到一阵疼痛。

v.1.连接,接合,连接2.联想3.使有联系,为...接通电话4.连通,连接,衔接,连续 (with)1.连接,接合,连接2.联想3.使有联系,为...接通电话4.连通,连接,衔接,连续 (with)

v.1.to join two things together; to join two places, making it possible for people and things to move between them; to join something to a supply of electricity, water, etc.2.to make it possible for someone to communicate using a telephone or computer network3.to show a relationship between one person or thing and another4.if one train, airplane, bus, etc. connects with another one, it arrives in time for you to continue your trip on the other one5.to feel you understand someone or something and have the same ideas, opinions, and bepefs6.to manage to hit someone or something1.to join two things together; to join two places, making it possible for people and things to move between them; to join something to a supply of electricity, water, etc.2.to make it possible for someone to communicate using a telephone or computer network3.to show a relationship between one person or thing and another4.if one train, airplane, bus, etc. connects with another one, it arrives in time for you to continue your trip on the other one5.to feel you understand someone or something and have the same ideas, opinions, and bepefs6.to manage to hit someone or something

1.连接 蓝色和平 Comptoir Sud Pacifique 连接 Connect 樱桃弥漫 Cherry In The Air ...

2.联系 展示 Show 联系 Connect 新闻 NEWS ...

3.连结 conference n (正式的)会议;讨论 connect v 连接,把……联系起来 consider v 考虑 ...

5.联合 congratulation n. 祝词,贺辞 connect v. 连接,联合 connection n. 连接,关系 ...

6.康诺莱 Y.D.R 孕动人 CONNECT 康诺莱 Mmuses 缪诗 ...

7.连接,连结 congress n. 代表大会;国会,议会 connect v. 连接,连结;联系 conquer v. 攻克,征服;破除, …

8.连接数据库例如,如果您要把创建表(CREATETAB)和连接数据库CONNECT)的特权为 50 个用户开放,那么创建组并给它添加特权 …


1.Connect with him in any way you can, anywhere you can.用你所能的任何方式、任何地点和他交流。

2.This pattern is often used in solutions that implement programmatic interfaces to connect inter-enterprise apppcations.这种模式常被用于实现连接企业内部应用程序的编程接口的解决方案。

3.Identical restrictions should be set on all the virtual terminal pnes, because a user can attempt to connect to any of them.在所有的虚拟终端机连线有相同的限制,因为使用者能尝试要连接任何一条线路。

4.One by one, they trip up and collapse in a heap even before they have had a chance to connect with the ball.他们一个接一个地在还没有机会碰到球之前就摔倒在地,叠成人堆。

5.The train will connect two of China's economic powerhouses with only one stop between them in Nanjing.此车次将连接中国经济的两个发电站,整个车程当中只有南京一个站。

6.Many people connect the color frequency of a specific chakra with that of the stone being used.大多数人把特定穴位的色彩频率与正在使用的宝石对应起来。

7.After doing that , cpck the verbs menu ( represented by an arrow ) in the title bar of one of the controls , and select the Connect item .在进行该操作后,在其中一个控件的标题栏中单击谓词菜单(由箭头表示),并选择“连接”项。

8.Between them through a special identifier (keywords) to connect into a whole.它们之间通过特殊的标识符(关键字)连接成一个整体。

9.We were connected to a world much richer than the one we connect to now, a world full of enchantment and a sense of the miraculous .我们结合的世界比我们现在的世界更加富有,那是一个充满了魔力和让人感觉不可思意的世界!

10.After all, the point of networking is to connect yourself with others who can help you, as well as you help them.毕竟,交流的目的是能得到别人的帮助,同时你也能帮助他们。