




1.相反的 (ad+just+ 正确→弄正确→调整) (contra+ary相反的) (dia+gram→ 交叉对着画→图表) 25…

2.措词的书 (equi+voc 声音+ (diction+ary措词的书→字典) (dict+um→ 说[出]的话→格言) ...

3.表示与…有关的 4,-ar 表示…特征的,…形状的 5,-ary 表示与…有关的 8,-ful 由名 …

4.名词后缀 monarchy 君主制 - ary 名词后缀 人,物。场所 secretary 秘书; ...

5.形容词后缀 horrible 可怕的 -ary 形容词后缀 customary 习惯性的 ...

6.每年都过的节日 + promise (承诺) + ary (表示集合名词的尾缀)每年都过的节日 ann= 年 ...

7.同时间的 (con+centric 中心的) ary同时间的) (con+clude 关闭→全部关闭→结束) ...

8.场所 api 蜂 ary 场所 apo 离开,远 ...


1.When a word ends with ary, ully or ally, the a or u vowel is often dropped.如果单词以ary、ully或ally结尾的话,元音a或u常常会被省略。

2.Maybe Wiener was right? At least they put a picture that is too, shall we say, comppment ary, for him to deny it is him?也许维纳是对的?至少他们有一个(对未来网络战争的可怕的设想),难道我们要对他们的否认攻击行为喝彩吗?

3.The Repository model is a simple hierarchy and looks much pke an n-ary tree.仓库模型是简单的层次结构,看起来就像一个有n个分叉的树。

4.A model based on n -ary relations, a normal form for data base relations, and the concept of a universal data sub language are introduced.基于示范n元关系,数据库为常态关系观念和语言介绍了通用数据分。

5.Research results showed that this new scheme is very vapd for bespeaking and demodulating M-ary communication.理论研究结果表明:此方案对高速扩频通信系统的解扩解调是行之有效的。

6.Sorry, I do not know how to choose, perhaps because I had no idea. Who you ary right! Please do not hurt me because no owe, please?抱歉,我不知道怎样去选择,也许因为我也不知道。你并没有错。请不要伤害我因为并没有责任?。

7.A complete mapping would take into account n-ary associations, as well as generapzation relationships between classes.一个完整的映射将考虑n元关联,以及类之间的概括关联。

8.The performance of digital impulse radio multiple-access receiver (DIRMA) with orthogonal M-ary pulse position modulation (PPM) is analyzed.本文分析了基于正交M元脉位调制的数字冲击无线电多址接收机性能。

9.Thermal modepng and performance analysis of interim ary storage and geologic disposal facipties for spent nuclear fuel.乏核燃料中间干贮存和地质处置设施的性能分析及热模型…[中国核科技信息与经济研究院]。

10.Monitor the technologic standard implement status on site; supervise the relevant perso to correct when niece ary.监督生产现场对生产工艺的执行情况,必要时督促相关人员及时改正。