




1.健壮如牛 一贫如洗 as poor as a Church mouse 健壮如牛 as strong as a horse 血流如注 to bleed pke a pig ...

2.力大如牛 炕 kang 力大如牛 as strong as a horse 过着牛马不如的生活 lead a dog’s pfe ...

3.非常健壮 strong as a bull 力大如牛 as strong as a horse 非常健壮, 精力充沛 have strong nerves 有胆量 ...

4.体壮如牛 ... 19. as silent as the grave 默不做声 20. as strong as a horse 体壮如牛 21. as stupid as a donkey 苯如黔牛 ...

5.强壮如牛 2.雪上加霜: to add frost to snow 3强壮如牛: as strong as a horse 5.孤立无援: high and dry; ...

6.壮得像头牛 ... work pke a horse 像牛般地干活 as strong as a horse 壮得像头牛 change horses 换马,换人马,换班 …

7.力壮如牛 out of sight,out of mind 眼不见,心不烦 as strong as a horse 力壮如牛 to put a fifth wheel to the coach 画蛇添足 ...


1.The man was as strong as a horse, and his temper was as fierce as he was strong.他体壮如牛,还有一种与之相称的坏脾气。

2.I feel great. I'm as strong as a horse , you see.我感觉很棒的。你瞧,我健壮得像牛一样。

3.And I'm as strong as a horse.现在我象马一样的强壮。

4.The old man is as strong as a horse.那位老人力壮如牛。(非“马”)

5.I'm sure he is fit for the work. He's as strong as a horse.我相信他适合于这个工作,他力大如牛呢!

6.I feel as strong as a horse.我壮得像头牛。

7.He is as strong as a horse.他像牛一样壮。