




1.朝日朝日焊锡科技(无锡)有限公司系新加坡朝日ASAHI)化学及锡焊工业有限公司在中国无锡设立的独资企业,其生产技术设备全 …

2.朝日啤酒朝日啤酒ASAHI)酒厂的历史可追溯到110年前,一直稳居日本前三大啤酒品牌的位置,是日本唯一年销量突破一亿箱的产品 …

3.朝日新闻「朝日新闻」(ASAHI)3月25日报导,日本交易所计画汇编一项能够反映成长企业的股市指数。(译者:中央社徐睿承)国际 …

4.旭化成本旭化成(Asahi),美国科式(Koch),陶氏 (FLEXELL) 结论 世界上最大的膜公司和应用最广泛的 MBR 膜公司,均采用的是中空纤维 …

5.日本朝日日本朝日(Asahi)公司与德国卡斯鲁(Karlsruhe)核能研究中心於1960至1990年间仍致力於发展玻璃剂量计及测读技术,并於1990 …

6.旭硝子找旭硝子ASAHI)汽车玻璃销售代理,或者4S店,或者福耀汽车玻璃,耀皮汽车玻璃,信义汽车玻璃问问有没有做这款车的 …

7.日本旭化成是日本旭化成ASAHI)透析器在中国的一级代理商。现已在哈尔滨、沈阳、西安等地建立分公司(办事处),构建了集销售 …



1."Having employed Mr Asahi and seen him at work I'm sure he'll be a great asset to the Asahi team, " he said.他说,“雇佣朝日先生并看到他在工作,我确信它将是朝日工作小组的宝贵资产。”

2.Asahi is also planning to start talks with South Korea's No. 1 soft drinks maker Lotte Group for a tie-up in South Korea, the paper said.该报报导称,朝日啤酒还计划与韩国软饮制造业龙头乐天集团(LotteGroup)就在韩国结盟一事进行商谈。

3.But after years of broken promises, voters appear to be unimpressed, according to a poll pubpshed on Monday August 3rd by Asahi Shimbun.但是自民党几年来一直违背诺言,从8月3日星期一,AsahiShimbun公布的民意测验来看,选民们似乎不会被其打动。

4.Still, the Asahi newspaper, one of Japan's leading daipes, expressed concern about Tokyo's bid in an editorial last month.日本最重要的日报之一报,仍旧在上个月的一篇短评中表达了对东京申奥的关心。

5.Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama will have his own coffee house at the PM's residence on Valentine's Day, Asahi Shimbun reported.据《朝日新闻》报道,情人节当天,日本首相鸠山由纪夫的咖啡馆将在首相府内开张。

6.Nor do they appear to be growing into the habit as they age, says Takashi Kasuya, an executive at Asahi, the second-biggest newspaper.日本第二大报纸,《朝日新闻》的主管人员TakashiKasuya说道“没有迹象表明,这些年轻人会随着年龄的增长而养成读报纸的习惯”。

7.Similarly , parties at Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group serve only Asahi, a big cpent of the bank .无独有偶的是,银行业的大客户朝日金融集团在他们的派对上只提供朝日啤酒。

8.The project was started and organized by Yoichi Funabashi, a former editor-in-chief of Asahi Shimbun, one of Japan's main daily newspapers.这个独立调查委员会是由日本主流日报《朝日新闻》前主编船桥洋一(YoichiFunabashi)发起并组织的。

9."It was a war zone itself, " Japan's Asahi newspaper wrote about the stadium, which shook with the roar of frenzied fans.日本朝日新闻是这样形容这座球场的——“那就是一个战场。狂热的球迷咆哮起来地动山摇。”

10.Therefore it is fair to say that the Asahi news reports on yellow sand are mostly objective.总而言之,《朝日新闻》中的黄沙报道可以说是客观的。