

ascending order

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1.升序 Analog Output 模拟输出 Ascending Order 升序 Adam Osborne 亚当·奥斯本(笔记本电 …

2.递升序 arrow 前号 ascending order 递升序 ascending powers of X X 的升幂 ...

3.递升序次 As 散光眼 ascending order 递升序次 ascertain 确定 ...

4.递增排序 ... 单一登录服务器 Single Sign-On server 递增排序 ascending order 订阅事件规则 subscription event rule ...

5.升序排列 ... assign vt. 分配 v.赋值 ascending order 升序排列 descending order 降序排列 ...

6.自下而上 ascending current 上升洋流 ascending order 自下而上 ascending pipe 增压管 ...

7.递升次序 ... order disorder 有序-无序(晶格原子排列) ascending order 递增次序,递升次序,递升次序 ...

8.顺序(1) 显示的顺序有弹性:目录可按先后的顺序(Ascending order),也可按后先的顺序(Descending order)显示,部落格偏向让读 …


1.By default , when a sort order is specified , the message identity property is always included and is sorted in an ascending order .默认情况下,如果指定了排序顺序,则会始终包括邮件标识属性,并以升序排序该属性。

2.If you do not specify any advanced paging parameters , the query returns the results in ascending order of identity .如果没有指定任何高级分页参数,则查询将按标识的升序返回结果。

3.The elements of vectors are usually allocated contiguous locations in a data area and are placed in descending or ascending order.通常把数据区中的一片相连单元分配给向量的元素,并按递增或递减顺序存放它们。

4.The birds were trained, using a food reward, to pick the images in ascending order of the number of objects in them (by pecking the screen).以食物做为奖励,这些鸽子接受训练,按照物体数目上升的顺序来选择图形(能过啄屏幕来实现)。

5.Shows that this index is sorted in ascending order.显示此索引按升序排序。

6.The volunteers then had to recall which numeral appeared in which place and touch the squares in ascending order, from lowest to highest.参与者需要回忆这些数字出现在哪里,并且按照升序来触摸这些方块,从小到大。

7.The power plants on the power plant market are offered in ascending order during the two first steps of the game.在游戏的第一和第二阶段,市场上电厂将依号码大小,从小到大依次出现。

8.specifies that the values in the specified column should be sorted in ascending order , from lowest value to highest value.指定按升序,从最低值到最高值对指定列中的值进行排序。

9.Sorts a set in ascending order, and returns the specified number of tuples in the specified set with the lowest values.按升序对集进行排序,并返回指定集中具有最小值的指定数目的元组。

10.Now imagine that the entire adult population of America is walking past you in a single hour, in ascending order of income.现在想象美国所有的成年人依收入从低到高,在一小时内从你身边走过。