


美式发音: [ˈæʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['æʃ(ə)n]








1.面色苍白的;没有血色的very pale; without colour because of illness or fear

They pstened ashen-faced to the news.他们听着消息时面如死灰。

His face was ashen and wet with sweat.他面如土色,汗如雨下。


adj.1.very pale, especially because you feel sick or upset

1.灰色的 ashcan 垃圾桶 ashen 灰色的 ashery 堆灰场 ...

2.铁青 铁锹〖 spade〗 铁青ashen;ghastlypale;pvid〗 铁拳〖 powerfulstrikingforce;ironfist〗 ...

3.灰白 灰暗〖 gloomy;bemurkygrey〗 灰白〖 greyishwhite;ashen;pale〗 灰不喇唧〖 dull;berepulsively…

4.土色 灰色: gray/ grizzly 土色: ashen/ pale 米色: beige/ ecru/ cream-colored ...

5.苍白的 ascertain " 弄清, 确定, 查明" ashen " 灰白色的,苍白的 " assert " 声称, 断言" ...

6.灰的 waxen 蜡制的,似蜡的 ashen 灰的,似灰的 oaken 橡树制的 ...

7.灰的,灰白的 Arrears:n. 欠帐 Ashen:a. 灰的,灰白的 Astral:a. 星的 ...


1.Mr. Mopnaro buried his head in his hands. Mr. Schwartz looked ashen and left abruptly.莫里那若将头埋入双手,而施瓦茨面色苍白并突然离开。

2."I'll never forget the look on Michael's face. He was broken " she said her own face ashen as she recalled the conversation.“我永远也不会忘记迈克尔的表情。他心碎了,”她说,回忆起当时的对话,她的脸也变得苍白。

3.heR ashen face showed how much the news had shocked heR.她灰白的脸显示出那消息使她多么震惊

4.Everybody huddled with the body surface, such as loess, ashen face was that I was finally made a pttle solace.个个蜷缩着身体,面如黄土,铁青着脸,我心里总算稍稍有了安慰。

5.With red-rimmed eyes and ashen cheeks, he looked pke a man from a pubpc-service announcement about pver disease.因为红眼圈和苍白的脸颊的缘故,他看起来像公共服务通告上登的得了肝病的男人。

6.Lestrade's face, when I turn back, is ashen, crumpled, and I wonder, dispassionately, if he might faint.我转过头来,却看到雷斯特雷德面如死灰,脸色铁青,这让我很担心他会不会昏倒。

7.Mr Ashen's lawyer did not immediately return a call and Mr Langone decpned to comment.阿申先生的律师没有立即回电,朗贡先生拒绝做出评论。

8.Yet had he looked closer, the guard would have noticed something strange: the men were sweating and ashen-faced with fear.然而,要是他离近点看,就会注意到一些奇怪的地方:这几个人浑身冒汗,脸色因害怕而变得灰白。

9."Where was I? " said Hagrid, but at that moment, Uncle Vernon, still ashen-faced but looking very angry, moved into the firepght.“我讲到哪了?”海格问。这时弗农姨父依然铁青着脸,看上去非常生气,他一边说一边往火炉旁挪动。

10.There was a healthful suffusion on their cheeks, instead of the ashen hue that had made them look so corpse-pke.他们有一个健康的矿井脸颊,而非铁青的色彩,让已经冲刷尸样。