


美式发音: [ˈrʌnɒf] 英式发音: [ˈrʌnɒf]






n.1.a flow of water or chemicals from one place to another, especially when this damages the environment2.a second election or competition that is organized when the first one does not have a winner

1.径流 atmospheric water, 大气水 runoff径流 peak flood flow, 洪峰流量 ...

2.迳流 敬礼 敬礼/ salute/ 迳流 迳流/ runoff/ 静脉 静脉/ vein/ ...

3.决赛 devalue: 贬值 runoff决赛 racial slur: 种族歧视 ...

4.径流量 supppes of food and water 食物和水源供应 runoff 径流量 freshwater resources 淡水资源 ...

5.地表迳流 ... ) surface runoff: 地表径流 ) runoff: 地表径流 ) surface flow: 地表径流 ...

7.决定性竞选 stamp out: 扑灭 runoff: 决定性竞选 adjournment: 延期;休会 ...


1.Site such areas where the surface runoff during rain will not cause contamination , and protect the area with cutoff ditches.选址时应注意,下雨时从这里流出的水不会引起污染,并挖排水沟进行保护该区域。

2.But over the last 30 years "there has been an increase in runoff, " he said in an email exchange.但在过去30年“径流一直不断增加,”他在电子邮件交流时说。

3.The main reason was that the operation effect of Danjiangkou reservoir for runoff was more in the low water period than in the flood period.主要原因是丹江口水库的调节作用,对汉江中下游径流量的影响枯水期远远大于汛期。

4.The total land area that contributes surface runoff to a river or lake is called a watershed, fiver basin, or catchment area.为某一江河或湖泊提供地表径流的整个陆地面积称作流域、河流盆地或汇水面积。

5.The Iron Runoff was a bit of a struggle at first and the toughest set of races for me so far in Forza 2.当你第一次参加铁之竞赛时,会有点吃力,对我来说这是极限竞速二中最困难的部份了。

6.South African diplomats said they did not know in advance that Mr. Tsvangirai would pull out of the runoff.南非的外交官们说,他们事先并不知道茨万吉拉伊将退出决选。

7.When slope gradient and soil surface hydrological condition had not change, runoff increased with increasing of rainfall intensity.同一坡度和近地表水文条件下,平均侵蚀率是随雨强的增大而增加。

8.Therefore, tree planting and grass growing in semi-arid area maybe reduce runoff, meanwhile, improve monthly runoff distribution in a year.因此,在半干旱地区植树种草一是减少产流量,二是能够提高径流年内分配的均匀性。

9.Tsvangirai withdrew from the presidential runoff election Sunday saying that it was an illegitimate, violent sham.茨万吉拉伊星期天宣布退出总统决选。他说,这是一场非法的、暴力的、虚假的选举。

10.But she was just short of a majority, so she will face a run-off runoff election.不过她没有赢得大多数选票。所以她会面对一次决定性竞选。