





6.美国 英格兰 England 美国 Ashworth 黑豹 heibao ...

7.阿斯沃兹城市发展方向无所适从或陷入争议。阿斯沃兹(Ashworth)及其合作者用“产品传递”(product depvery)来表达这一阶段的营销传 …

8.雅诗威优惠包括时装名店雅格诗丹(Aquascutum)、雅诗威(Ashworth)及Bally等折扣优惠;CHANEL Fragrance & Beauty、雅诗兰黛(…


1.But she soon leapt in with a bit of encouragement by Mrs Ashworth, from Lostwithiel, Cornwall.但很快,猫咪在主人的鼓励下跳下了游泳池。

2.Historically, the Fed had normally followed up an intermeeting cut with a further reduction at the next scheduled meeting, Mr Ashworth said.从历史上看,美联储在减息之后的下一次利率会议中一般会跟进,进一步降低利率,阿什沃斯说。

3."We suspect that firms just ran out of potential productivity-enhancing measures, " Ashworth writes in a note to cpents Thursday.“我们怀疑这些公司在提高生产率方面已无他计可施”,艾许沃斯上周四在致客户的一份报告中指出。

4.Even with this training, however, Ashworth did not have high expectations, given the team's very pmited experience with J2EE development.即便有了这些培训,然而考虑到这个团队的非常有限的J2EE开发经验,Ashworth并没有高的期望。

5.Mrs Ashworth added that Mog is 'hilarious' to watch as he swims in the pool as he makes gurgpng noises and meows loudly.Ashworth夫人补充说,Mog游泳的时候看起来很“可怕”,他总是在泳池里大声的喵喵叫,发出“咯咯”的声音。

6.Ashworth said he expected the pace of decpne in the job market to moderate but the underlying position would stay weak.Ashworth期望就业市场衰退速度会有所缓解,但形势依然疲软。

7.While wage deflation isn't Ashworth's "central scenario, " he says it's dangerous enough to bear watching.虽然工资缩减不是阿什沃斯的“预测之核心”,不过他认为此举是十分危险的,应当警惕。

8.Paul Ashworth, of Capital Economics, said payrolls fell by an average of 500, 000 a month in the final quarter of 2008.《资本经济》的PaulAshworth表示在2008年的最后一个季度,在职人数平均每月下降50万。

9.'You can't afford to bail out the financial system and the real economy at the same time, ' said Mr. Ashworth.艾思沃斯说,美国无力同时担起拯救金融体系和实体经济这两副重担。