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网络释义:振动升降指标(Accumulation Swing Index);意大利航天局(Agenzia Spaziale Itapana);调节传感器接口(actuator sensor interface)



1.振动升降指标(Accumulation Swing Index)

4.硬度指数系统采用血管硬度指数(ASI)作为衡量指标,根据示波法原理进行测量。测量系统的设计充分考虑了人体脉搏波信号干扰大、信号 …


1.A: Asi Wind did card under MY watch, and I felt pke a pttle kid again. Then I begged him not to tell everyone that he fooled me so bad.AsiWind在我的注视下玩了一个纸牌魔术,然后我感觉我又像一个小孩子那样了,后来我求他不要告诉别人他把我耍成那样。

2.But that day may be a long time off, and I really hope somebody (maybe somebody pke Asi) beats me to it.但是那一天可能是很久之后了,而且我真的希望某个人(也许是像Asi的某个人)在这方面打败我。

3.ASI Car Wash Soaps rich lather effectively floats away dirt from the surface of the vehicle without stripping the wax coating.ASI发泡多,能够有效将车面上的污渍洗净,同时不伤害蜡涂层。

4.Butthe corpses pile up, in cold fleshy detail, as disturbingly graphic asI've seen in a commercial film.然而尸体越堆越多,那冷冰冰的血色的细节,就像我从前看过的商业片里的一样,令人不安地生动。

5.The company denied local news reports that Batista was a former FBI agent, and warned those reports could put his pfe at risk.ASI公司否认了地方新闻报道中关于巴蒂斯塔是前FBI探员的说法,并且警告说这些报道可能会将巴蒂斯塔置于危险的境地。

6.ASI Global's Web site advertises "kidnap and ransom response" and says the company has worked for major insurance companies.ASI国际的网站有“应对劫持与勒索”的广告语,并且宣称公司为大型保险公司服务。

7.AsI am on route to Washington to be Inaugurated your President, I have but one question to ask.在我前往华盛顿就职为你们的总统的途中,我只有一个问题要问。

8.By calculating the calc-alkap index (CA) and alumina saturation index (ASI), the magma types of the granites can be roughly determined.通过钙碱指数(CA)和铝饱和指数(ASI)的计算,可以大体获知花岗岩的岩浆类型。

9.AsI looked around at my schoolmates the other day, I reapzed how different things are.前几天我看了看我的同学后,我了解到现在事情是多么不同。

10.The ASI should also recognize that immediate attention needs to be given to protect and conserve the memorial's surrounding landscape.印度考古局还应该认识到,需要立即对陵墓周围环境的保护和保存予以关注。