


美式发音: [ˈbistroʊ] 英式发音: [ˈbiːstrəʊ]



复数:bistros  同义词

n.wine bar,brasserie,bar,bodega,pub



1.小餐馆;小酒馆a small informal restaurant


n.1.a small restaurant or bar

1.小酒馆 夜中〖 atnight〗 夜总会〖 nightclub;discotheque;bistro〗 夜作〖 nightwork〗 ...

5.小饭馆 ... in the mood for 想要 5. bistro 小饭馆 6. allergic 过敏 7. ...

6.义大利面小餐馆 PATARA 泰轩 Bistro 义大利面小餐馆 Ture Love 真爱 ...

7.乡村酒吧 Begin The Beguine 比 Bistro 乡村酒吧 Blow Spver Wind 吹吧 ...


1.Instead she took me to a quiet bistro with a private table. We had a couple of mixed drinks and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.相反,她带我去了一个私人酒馆,而且在一张隐蔽的餐桌旁,我们喝了两杯鸡尾酒,享受着愉快的午餐。

2.It was just a nice neighborhood bistro and it was just a glass of Chardonnay.这只不过是个精致的邻家小酒馆,只不过是一杯莎当妮。

3.When JP Morgan had offered the first Bistro deals in late 1997, it had access to extensive data about all the loans it had pooled together.摩根大通在1997年末提供第一单小酒馆交易时,它获得了所有它汇集起来的贷款的大规模数据。

4.One heard queer conversations in the bistro. As a sample I give you Charpe, one of the local curiosities, talking.在这间小酒馆里,能听到一些离奇的谈话,就以这里的奇人查理所说的为例吧。

5.Instead she took me to a quiet bistro with a private table.她带我去了一个安静的小酒馆,找了一个隐蔽的桌子。

6.Cook a meal for two and share it bistro-style, complete with candles, freshly picked flowers and a bottle of cheap vino!做一次两人饭菜,采取小餐馆风格,放上蜡烛和新鲜采摘的鲜花以及一瓶瓶便宜的红酒!

7.at the bistro on the corner they chattered gaily over their drinks and the officers seemed more human, more French, I might say.他们在街角的小酒馆里愉快地边喝酒边聊天,军官们也显得更有人味,也许应该说更有法国味。

8.The Bistro concept had pulled off a dance around the international banking rules.小酒馆概念与国际银行业规则终于达成一致。

9.The team at JP Morgan did only one more Bistro deal with mortgage debt, a few months later, worth $10bn.摩根大通团队只在几个月后又做过一次抵押债务的小酒馆交易,价值100亿每元。

10.A bistro for, a Japanese soldier arriving my uncle openning in drink the wine, drink over wine will " flower miss" .一天,一个日本兵到我舅舅开的小酒馆里喝酒,喝完酒就要“花姑娘”。