


美式发音: 英式发音: ['eɪʒə]





un.1.the world's largest continent, bordered by the Ural and Caucasus mountains and the Arctic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.

1.亚洲 欧洲 Europe 亚洲 Asia 非洲 Africa ...

2.亚细亚 .mobi 手机域名 .asia 亚洲域名 .gov网址被屏蔽 政府域名 ...

4.亚太 新曼 SINGAPORE & BANGKOK 亚太 ASIA 美国 USA ...

5.亚洲地区 CARIBBEAN 加勒比海 ASIA 亚洲区 AMERICA 美洲区 ...

8.亚西亚④亚西亚ASIA)并非指整个亚西亚省而言,乃是指亚西亚省内的每西亚、弗吕家这些北部与东部古邦而言。这些古邦当时称 …


1.As investors have no doubt learned over the past year, a sudden change in sentiment could cause an exodus of funds from Asia.投资者无疑在过去一年中吸取了教训,市场气氛的突然改变可能导致资金从亚洲外流。

2.Genghiz Khan decided to leave southern China alone and swing westwards, through central Asia, to- wards the rich Moslem kingdom of Persia.成吉思汗决定让中国南方顺其自然,他把目标转向西方,经中亚挺进富庶的穆斯林王国波斯。

3.I join Urmat and his wife for a good dinner of laghman, a dish of noodles and lamb eaten all over Central Asia.我和乌玛特夫妇一起饱餐了一顿“兰格汉姆”的晚餐,这是一种在中亚常见的羊肉面条。

4.After a decade of remarkable expansion in Africa and Asia, Chinese construction groups are beginning to break into more mature markets.最近10年,中国建筑企业在非洲和亚洲地区展开了令人瞩目的扩张,如今,他们开始进军更为成熟的市场。

5.He said he has accepted ASEAN's invitation to join the East Asia Summit, which will be held in Jakarta, Indonesia, in 2011.他说,他已经接受了东盟的邀请,参加定于2011年在印尼雅加达(Jakarta)举行的东亚峰会(EastAsiaSummit)。

6.Buoyant demand from the new rich created by Asia's economic boom was one of the main factors behind the company's record results in 2011.亚洲经济的繁荣造就了一批新富人群,斯沃琪之所以能在2011年实现史上最佳业绩,这类人群的旺盛需求是主要推动因素之一。

7.I can't help but feel as though they're a bit late to the show - but perhaps there's still a seat to be had in Asia.我忍不住这么想:尽管他们来得迟了些,但是他们真的很可能在亚洲占一席之地。

8.Bamiyan was an important monastic complex at a time when Buddhism began to spread from India and Pakistan into Central Asia and China.在佛教开始从印度和巴基斯坦向中亚和中国传播的一段时间里,巴米杨地区还是一个重要的修道院建筑综合体。

9.And a week after that there is the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, APEC, A Perfect Excuse to Chat.此后一个星期接踵而至的还有亚太经合组织峰会(APEC),也就是所谓的“一个绝佳的闲聊借口”[2]。

10."A strike will be much more damaging to a company sourcing from a single factory in Asia than a small increase in costs, " he said.“对那些在亚洲只有一家供应厂商的公司而言,这种破坏将远远大于成本小幅增长,”他表示。