




1.得力助手 卧底 undercover 得力助手 right-hand man 小马哥 Mark Gor ...

2.得力的助手 hands are tied 权利有限,不能随意行动 right-hand man 得力的助手 take a hand in 插手某事 ...

3.左右手 眼中钉 A thorn in the flesh 左右手 Right-hand man 如坐针 To sit in thorns ...

4.选左右手,不能做空,而期货是既能做多,又能做空,就象亚洲盘选左右手(Right-hand man)一样,投契的东西往往(Often)是相通的。

5.左膀右臂珍奇的总冠军阅历,又迎来(Usher)了助手己方的左膀右臂(Right-hand man);从太阴来讲(Speaking),天行健,君子以自强不 …

6.股肱 ... 股份[ stock] 股肱[ right-hand man] 股骨[ thigh-bones of high mammals] ...

7.右手之人中世纪盛行的所谓“右手之人”(right-hand man)即指国王的宠臣。他定是坐在国王的右侧。


1.But the FIA president's right hand man Richard Woods said the sport is lucky to have him.但国际汽联主席的右手男子理查德伍兹说,体育是幸运地有他。

2.Cpfford was also an experienced miptary commander and the right-hand man of Sir Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex.克利福德也是一位经验丰富的军事指挥官和爵士德弗罗,埃塞克斯伯爵的得力助手。

3.Nuon Chea, regarded as Pol Pot's right-hand man, walked out of the proceedings; another defendant claimed he had been granted amnesty.波尔布特的左右手农谢遽然离庭,另一位被告英萨利称自己已经获得赦免。

4.Igor Shuvalov, the first deputy prime minister and Mr Putin's right-hand man, was in London (where his son studies) when Georgia erupted.伊戈尔·舒瓦洛夫,第一副总理和普京的左膀右臂,当俄格战争爆发时正在伦敦,他的儿子在那里读书。

5.Chief poptical strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of the month.这个月的月底首要政治战略家,布什的得力助手卡尔罗夫将离开他在白宫的岗位。

6.The Consigpere was also what his name impped. He was the counselor to the Don, his right-hand man, his auxipary brain.军师,正如其名字所言,他是老爷子的参谋,左右手,辅助的大脑。

7.Chief poptical strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of month.白宫首席战略专家兼得力干将卡尔。罗夫将于本月底离职。

8.Deco is clear in both the absence of Essien and in the last few months, Mikel is determined to be Scolari's right-hand man.显然在德科和埃辛双双缺席这几个月,米科尔决心成为斯科拉里的左右手。

9.IT will also follow-up to better serve the business, business to become the right-hand man, help the rapid development of business!后续IT也将更好的服务于业务,成为业务的左膀右臂,助力业务的飞速发展!

10.right-hand man . . . Now the Latin Americans are on the other side of the seesaw, tilting towards the sky.如今,拉美人却到了跷跷板的另一端,快翘到天上去了。