


美式发音: ['æskɪŋ] 英式发音: ['æskɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of ask

1.询问 2introductions 介绍12 3asking 询问26 4requesting 请求41 ...

2.请求 favor n. 好感, 宠爱, 关切, 欢心, 好意, 喜爱 asking n. 问,寻问,请求 suddenly adv. 突然地 ...

3.提问 5) 聆听 Listening 6) 提问 Asking 7) 反馈 Feedback ...

4.索取 ask sb.sth. 问某人某事 asking 名词询问,索取 ask after 探问 ...

5.发问 告知 Informing 发问 Asking 同意 Concent ...

6.要求 Mars 火星 asking 询问,要求 thumb 拇指 ...

7.邀请 1. popular( 受欢迎) 2. asking邀请) 3. quite( 很多) ...


1.If you get a message asking you to wait for a response for a few minutes, the system is in asynchronous mode.如果您看到要求您花数分钟等待响应的消息,则系统就处于异步模式。

2.One time she called home asking her mother why her aunt to let the parents, why her and not me or other people?有一次她打电话回家质问妈妈为什么要让她在姑妈家长大,为什么是她而不是我或者其他人?

3.Take the first step by asking your child to sit with you for a few minutes and then openly and clearly declare your unconditional love.第一步你叫你的孩子和你坐一小会儿,然后直接明了地告诉他们你对他们无条件的爱。

4.The reason seems to be that Iran was over-confident, offering too pttle and asking for too much.原因似乎是伊朗过于自信,提供较少而索取太多。

5.He began by holding up a baseball and asking what the point of the game was.他举起一个棒球,开始问这种游戏的意义何在?

6.No, I've put him in a terrible situation. I'm asking him to choose between his mother and me. I'm ashamed to admit it.不,我使他处在极糟的情况下。我让他在我和他母亲之间做选择…我很惭愧地承认这一点。

7.As they hold the pictures of their beloved children, the participants of "Tears of Sichuan" seem to be asking simply for acknowledgment.当他们抱着已逝孩子的遗照,参与“哭泣的四川”这部片的拍摄时,似乎只想要一个简单的证明。

8.I guess I might take a look at it. How much is he asking?我想我可以看看这辆车.他想要多少钱?

9.I try to engage my mom by gently asking her if she needs that item or trying to get her to part with it by coaxing.我试图温柔的问我妈妈她是否需要那个东西,或者哄骗她以达到目的。

10."I'm hoping to have a detailed conversation that ends with him asking for a date, " she said.“我希望我能和他好好谈谈,并且在最后他主动提出约我出去”。