


网络释义:地址空间布局随机化(Address Space Layout Randomization);地址空间配置随机化;地址空间随机化


1.地址空间布局随机化(Address Space Layout Randomization)多仍然没有利用Windows内置的安全缓解技术,如地址空间随机化(ASLR)和数据执行保护(DEP)。”

4.位址空间布局随机化除此以外,iOS系统还有名为"位址空间布局随机化"(ASLR)的防护功能以阻止黑客篡改系统核心内存。它会利用随机方式配 …

5.随机地址空间分布随机地址空间分布(aslr) windows server 2008 资料 介绍  但有了aslr,每一个系统服务的地址空间都是随机的,因此www.8 t tt8. …


1.Not everything is rosy with ASLR though, so you can't forget the law of unintended consequences and let your guard down.ASLR技术并不是万能的,所以你不能忘记那些意想不到的教训,也不能放松警惕。

2.The subjective influence of a pelvic belt on the ASLR score could not be objectified.佩戴腰带后对于直腿抬高试验的主观评分影响也不会干扰客观表现。

3.ASLR helps prevent buffer overflow attacks by randomizing the location where system executables are loaded into memory.ASLR通过将系统可执行程序随机装载到内存里,从而防止缓冲区溢出攻击。

4.There is the potential that ASLR could create certain system instabipties and performance issues by fragmenting memory over time.随着运行时间的增加,ASLR会带来越来越多的内存碎片,有可能导致系统不稳定并造成性能问题。

5.It's called address space layout randomization (ASLR).这就是所谓的地址空间布局随机化(addressspacelayoutrandomization,ASLR)。

6.In fact, ASLR could cause the malware to draw attention to itself by crashing the very system file(s) it's attacking.实际上,ASLR还能通过崩溃那些正受攻击的系统文件,从而误导恶意软件。