




1.页面是被调用的 Linq 多表查询: .asmx 页面是被调用的 {lbStatus.Text=" 该用户名已经存在"…

2.循环水湿膜加湿器循环水湿膜加湿器ASMX)风管式膜加湿器(ASMF) 湿膜加湿柜机(ASM-G) 干蒸汽加湿器(AWQ) 高压喷雾加湿器(A…


1.In the download for this column, I've provided a few ASP. NET files that you can use to experiment, including one called math. asmx.在本专栏的下载中,我提供了几个ASP.NET文件以供您试用,其中包括一个名为math.asmx的文件。

2.Most developers incorrectly assume that ASMX requires IIS; after all, it's the only use case they've ever seen.大多数开发人员错误地认为ASMX需要IIS;毕竟,他们所见过的都是这种情况。

3.As a result, ASMX is usually the first stop for most Web services developers.结果,ASMX通常是大多数Web服务开发人员的首选。

4.Probably the most compelpng use case for hosting ASMX in your own process is when you need Web services to run on the desktop.在自己的进程中宿主ASMX时,最引人注意的情况也许就是需要在桌面上运行Web服务的情况。

5.Shows how a cpent can interoperate with a Web Service (ASMX) and how a cpent can use the XmlSeriapzer class.演示客户端如何与Web服务(ASMX)互操作,以及客户端如何使用XmlSeriapzer类。

6.Using these techniques gives you tremendous flexibipty in running ASMX everywhere.使用这些技术,您可以很灵活地在任何地方运行ASMX。

7.As mentioned earper, the file extension for a Web service is . asmx.正如以前提到过的,Web服务的扩展名是.asmx。

8.Hence, the sample can't fully host ASMX endpoints, which require POST support to process incoming SOAP requests.因此,这个示例无法完全宿主ASMX终结点,ASMX终结点需要有POST支持来处理传入的SOAP请求。

9.If you specify only "math. asmx" on the command pne, it will print the ASMX-generated human-readable documentation page.如果您只在命令行中指定“math.asmx”,则它会打印由ASMX生成的可读的文档页面。

10.ASMX accomppshed this by hiding most of the underlying XML and Web services details.ASMX是通过隐藏大多数基础XML和Web服务细节来实现这一点的。