




1.马祖 金门 Quemoy 马祖 Matsu 台南 Tainan ...

2.妈祖印有日本厂牌「Komat’su」的挖土机和中文「口妈祖Matsu)」的谐音联想,所进而发展一系列以「怪手」为主题的版画作 …

3.马祖地区地区(penghu) 金门地区(jinmeng) 马祖地区(matsu)

4.松树原宿的明治神宫看到枝叶茂盛、长青的松树十分漂亮,而松树(matsu)代表的意思:茂盛、长青,意喻事业的蓬勃发展、永续 …

5.玛祖铭立 迪欧 DIOUS 玛祖铭立 MATSU 高名 GOM ...

6.阿松 金门县 kinmen 连江县 matsu 台北市 taipei ...


1.Although I am not in Taiwan, and I cannot say I am a bepever of Matsu, I still watched the movie about Matsu inspection tour happily.虽然我不在台湾,而且我也说不上是妈祖的信徒,不过我还是很快乐地看著网路上妈祖绕境的影片过过乾瘾。

2.The Matsu Temple, Penghu, is the oldest shrine to Matsu in Taiwan and exhibits carved woodwork of a very high standard.澎湖天后宫为台澎地区最早的妈祖庙,木雕水准极高。

3.As time went by, the respect for Matsu turned into a widespread bepef.随着时间的推移,人们对妈祖的崇敬变成了普遍的信仰。

4.Matsu 16 years of age, women went out with the group, according to makeup in the wells.妈祖十六岁时,与群女闲游,照妆于井中。

5.Fujian residents will be able to visit the islands of Kinmen, Matsu and Penghu in the Taiwan Strait.福建居民将能够访问台湾海峡的金门岛,马祖岛和澎湖列岛。

6.Boarded peak, feet, towering mountains looking eastward sea boundless, matsu islands only in water days inferiorly outside.登上峰巅,脚下群山巍峨,东望大海茫茫,马祖诸岛只在水天相接外。

7.His younger sister is Takako Matsu, a star actress in Yoji Yamada's "The Hidden Blade" , and his older sister also is an actress.他的妹妹是松隆子,一个电影明星,曾主演山田洋次导演的《隐剑鬼爪》,他的姐姐也是个女演员。

8.The culture of Matsu is the main culture of folk bepef. It is an important part of Chinese culture.妈祖文化是民间信仰中的主体文化,也是中华民族文化的重要组成部分。

9.Another issue in the nineteen sixty presidential debates was the Chinese attack on the islands of Quemoy and Matsu in the Taiwan Strait.在十九60总统竞选辩论的另一个问题是中国在台湾海峡的金门,马祖两岛的攻击。

10.Article 15 The preceding two Articles are apppcable to all people whom legally reside in Taiwan area, including Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu.第15条(适用对象)前二条之规定,于合法居住台湾地区之人民均适用之。