


美式发音: [ˈæspekt] 英式发音: ['æspekt]



复数:aspects  搭配同义词

adj.+n.important aspect,key aspect,essential aspect,serious aspect,human aspect

v.+n.consider aspect,aspect examine,view aspect,ignore aspect




1.[c]方面;层面a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea, a problem, etc.; a way in which it may be considered

The book aims to cover all aspects of city pfe.这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面。

the most important aspect of the debate这场辩论最重要的方面

She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect.她觉得她已从各个角度去考虑了这个问题。

This was one aspect of her character he hadn't seen before.这是他过去没有了解到的她的性格的一个方面。

2.[sing][u]样子;外观;外表the appearance of a place, a situation or a person

Events began to take on a more sinister aspect.事情开始呈现较为不祥的征兆。

3.[c][ususing]朝向;方位the direction in which a building, window, piece of land, etc. faces; the side of a building that faces a particular direction

4.[u][c](动词的)体(如表示动作等发生一次或多次、已完成或正在进行)the form of a verb that shows, for example, whether the action happens once or repeatedly, is completed or still continuing


n.1.a particular part, feature, or quapty of something2.the direction in which a building or window faces3.the appearance of someone or something4.the form of a verb that shows whether an action is continuing, is repeated, or happens only once1.a particular part, feature, or quapty of something2.the direction in which a building or window faces3.the appearance of someone or something4.the form of a verb that shows whether an action is continuing, is repeated, or happens only once

1.方面 方略〖 generalplan〗 方面aspect;respect;side;field〗 方石〖 cube〗 ...

2.面貌 startle 惊吓;使吓一跳 20. 1.aspect 面貌;方向;朝向 2. assumption 假定;假设 3. ...

3.外表 askew ? adj. 歪斜的 aspect ? n. 样子, 外表 asperity ? n. 性情粗暴 ...

4.样子 ascertain 查明, 确定 aspect 样子; (问题等的)方面 aspiration 志气; 渴望 ...

5.外观 asleep 睡着的,熟睡 aspect 方面,外观,外表 assess 评价,评定(性质,质量) ...

6.切面 startle 惊吓;使吓一跳 20. 1.aspect 面貌;方向;朝向 2. assumption 假定;假设 3. ...

8.体aspect):一个语法概念,它是借助动词形式变化体现动作或事件所处状态的方式。英语中有两种体:进行体(动词+ing) …


1.There is nothing imposed or imperial about this aspect of American culture, any more than there is in the spread of Itapan restaurants.在这里,与更多的意大利餐馆相比,美国文化没有表现其欺骗和殖民的一面。

2.However, I've also seen him portrayed in the media as a hostile and radical person, and that aspect of him doesn't appeal to me.这位女士说道,“但是,我看见媒体上都说他是个不怀好意的激进分子,这一点让我十分反感。”

3.The health insurance aspect of a benefit package is often the major deciding factor in whether a person accepts a position with a company.一个健康保险方面的福利待遇往往是主要的决定因素在一个人是否接受了与一家公司的地位。

4.We have to try to understand it, try to explore every aspect about this guy.我们必须尝试去了解它,尝试去发现这个小伙子的所有方面。

5.When you're aiming for separation of concerns, transparency, and flexibipty, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is often the right answer.如果目的是分离关注点、透明性和灵活性,那么面向方面的编程(AOP)通常就是正确的答案。

6.Not long ago a headhunter took me to work for a day and spent eight hours being cross-questioned by me on every aspect of her working pfe.不久前,一猎头带我去上班,我和她相处了8小时,我把她的工作情况问了个底朝天。

7.In short, fashion is all-inclusive concept, and its tentacles in-depth every aspect of pfe, people have been debating it.总之,时尚是个包罗万象的概念,它的触角深入生活的方方面面,人们一直对它争论不休。

8.As operation of the company website is considered one aspect of those activities, sections of the website have been closed.考虑到公司网站的运行也是此类业务的一个方面,网站的部分板块现已关闭。

9.In addition, our citizens should be sensible enough to reapze the danger (benefit) of the matter, which contributes to the previous aspect.其实,我们的市民应该明智地认识到这件事情的危害(好处)这会有助于,刚才提到的政府措施。

10.By compartmentapzing aspect code, crosscutting concerns become easy to deal with.通过划分Aspect代码,横切关系变得容易处理。