



美式发音: [ˈpreljud] 英式发音: [ˈpreljuːd]




复数:preludes  同义词反义词





v.1.为...作序;开头;成为...的前兆2.成为...的序曲[序幕];奏(序曲)3.奏序曲;唱开场戏;成为序幕;成为前兆 (to)

n.1.a short piece of music that introduces a longer piece of music; a short piece of music, often one that is played on the piano; a piece of music played before a ceremony in a churcstrong.an event that happens before and introduces a more important event

1.前奏曲 Op.27,2 Nocturnes2 首夜曲 Op.28,24 Preludes2 4首前奏曲 Op.34,3 Waltzes3 首圆舞曲 ...

4.前奏曲集我们将从他的前奏曲集Preludes)中,学习巴洛克时期的乐想(affekt) 如何使他将传统格的调进一步带入浪漫时期。 Chopi…

5.序曲从序曲(preludes).夜曲(Nocturnes).华尔兹(Waltzes).练习曲(Etude)奏鸣曲(Sonata)协奏曲(Piano Concerto).诙谐曲(Scherzi) .波 …


1.Bach's masterpiece Passion oratorio consists of four parts: introductory choral preludes, recitative, chorales , and solo arias.巴赫的这部清唱剧杰作包括四个部分:合唱前奏曲、朗诵、圣咏合唱曲和独声咏叹调。

2.Toys are not really as innocent as they look. Toys and games are the preludes to serious ideas.玩具并不像外表那样纯真,玩具和游戏其实都是严肃思考的前奏曲。

3.But now we know these were merely preludes to an even more extraordinary drama that has convulsed the financial system in recent days.但我们现在知道,这些不过是更惊人场景的序幕,近日来,这震动了金融体系。

4.Finally, the teachers and learners will understand Rachmaninov's preludes, in two aspects of teaching and performance.最终让老师和学生从教学和演奏两方面能更多的了解拉赫玛尼诺夫前奏曲,把握他创作前奏曲的风格特点。

5.is pfe but a series of preludes in that unknown song whose first solemn note is sounded by death?生命是什么,不就是那首未知的歌的一系列序曲,而这首歌的第一个庄严的音符由死亡奏响?

6.These past riots and protests were preludes to the highly tense situations in Egypt, Tunisia, and the Arab World.这些骚乱和抗议是埃及、突尼斯和阿拉伯世界紧张局势的前奏。

7.In the moribund patient deepening coma are the usual preludes to death.病人弥留之际,加深的昏睡通常是死的前兆。

8.What else is our pfe but a series of preludes to that unknown Hymn, the first and solemn note of which is intoned by Death?我们的一生,不就是由死神敲出头一个庄严音符的无名之歌的一系列前奏吗?

9.Preludes in all Major and Minor Keys, Op. 31 (Alkan, Charles-Valentin). Piano Scores. Piano solo. Romantic.25首前奏曲在所有主要及小调,Op.31(Alkan,查尔斯-瓦伦丁)。钢琴谱。钢琴独奏。浪漫。

10.All of deeply dark nights are the preludes of daytimes.沉沉的黑夜都是白天的前奏。